EE Seminar: Smart-City E-Band Communication Network for Opportunistic Weather Sensing

11 בנובמבר 2020, 15:00 
Meeting ID: 837 2574 5042
Passcode: 468331


Speaker: Mor Hadar

M.Sc. student under the supervision of Prof. Hagit Messer-Yaron

Wednesday, November 11th, 2020, at 15:00

Smart-City E-Band Communication Network for Opportunistic Weather Sensing


            Modern infrastructures support smart-city operations, which are based on short millimeter-waves wireless links connected by a dense network. These links are sensitive to hydrometeors, and their signals attenuated by rain. In this talk, we demonstrate that standard signal-level measurements being collected by the network can be used to estimate the movement of an ongoing storm. Parameters characterizing the movements of the frontal rain cell, as its speed and direction, can be accurately estimated. We first estimate the differential time of arrival of the attenuated signals between pairs of links, from which we extract the parameters of interest. We demonstrate our results using actual measurements from an operating system in the city of Rehovot, Israel. We also analyzed dry periods and identified a 24-hours periodicity in the signal-level measurements which we will describe and characterize.


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