EE ZOOM Seminar: EEG Source Localization Using Compressed Measurements and the Fabrication of an Anisotropic Phantom Head Model

06 במאי 2020, 15:00 

השתתפות בסמינר תיתן קרדיט שמיעה = עפ"י רישום שם מלא + מספר ת.ז.  בצ'אט

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Meeting ID: 795 3018 2251

Speaker: Tal Mund

M.Sc. student under the supervision of Prof. Alex Bronstein


Wednesday, May 6th, 2020 at 15:00

        ZOOM  Seminar


EEG Source Localization Using Compressed Measurements and the Fabrication of an Anisotropic Phantom Head Model


One of the greatest challenges of modern-day science community is understanding how our brain functions. In a human head, a neural activity is usually modeled as a current dipole activation with a specific position and orientation. Brain imaging techniques such as EEG, MEG, fMRI etc. are used to evaluate the neural activities location, orientation and magnitude. One can study the spatiotemporal behavior of the head’s neural circuits using these techniques. However, for us to better understand how our brain works, we need to collect a vast amount of data. One of the main advantages of EEG is its portability, since competing imaging techniques such as fMRI and MEG are stationary. A mobile EEG device can continually collect data from research subjects as they perform their everyday tasks. By compressing the EEG measurements, the hardware requirement of a portable EEG device is reduced, which in turn makes it cheaper and lighter. Hence getting closer to a portable EEG device. In this work, the possibility of using a compressed set of EEG measurements was simulated and analyzed. In addition, a phantom mimicking the electromagnetic properties of the human head is presented. A phantom head is considered an essential validation step between computer simulations and the data processing of EEG recordings on humans. The fabrication is based on 3d-printing technology combined with an electrically conductive gel. The novel key features of the phantom are the controllable anisotropic electrical conductivity of the skull and the densely packed monopolar current sources permitting interpolation of the measured gain function to any dipolar current source position and orientation within the head.


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