סמינר מחלקתי אלקטרוניקה פיזיקאלית : Niv Shapira

27 בדצמבר 2018, 15:00 
פקולטה להנדסה, ביניין כיתות, חדר 011 
סמינר מחלקתי אלקטרוניקה פיזיקאלית : Niv Shapira

Niv Seminar

You are invited to attend a department seminar on


Multi-lobe superoscillations and Structured illumination microscopy


Niv Shapira

MSc student under the supervision of Prof. Ady Arie




Superoscillation is a phenomenon of growing interest, describing a wave interference between frequency components of a band-limited function, that is locally oscillating faster than its highest Fourier component. In this work we study and implement methods to generate multi-lobe optical superoscillating beams, and their potential application for super-resolution structured illumination microscopy. Whereas many previous works concentrated on generating a single super-oscillating lobe, here we study methods to generate a multi-lobe function with nearly constant intensity and constant local frequency. Generating such periodic superoscillations is a challenging task, but may open the door for interesting applications which require its periodicity. We generated superoscillation patterns having 3 to 11 sub-wavelength lobes, with frequency of 20 to 40 percent above the system cut-off frequency. These patterns may be useful for structured illumination microscopy, enabling more than two-fold improvement in resolution with respect to the classical diffraction limit.



On Thursday, December 27, 2018, 15:00

Room 011, EE-Class Building

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