סמינר מחלקתי של ויקטור הרמייב- גלים במוצקים עם מתחי פני השטח

20 בינואר 2025, 14:00 - 15:00 
סמינר מחלקתי של ויקטור הרמייב- גלים במוצקים עם מתחי פני השטח

Waves in solids with surface stresses

Monday January 20th at 14:00 

Wolfson Building of Mechanical Engineering, Room 206



We discuss propagation of surface and interfacial waves in elastic and viscoelastic media possessing surface stresses and surface energy. Nowadays mechanics of media with surface stresses found various applications at small scales as well as at macroscales. The discussed class of models describes of coupled deformations of solids with thin coatings or interface layers. In particular, surface stresses could be responsible for size-effects observed at the nanoscale.

With the lecture we discuss a series of boundary-value problems for antiplane motions, see [1-7] for details. These problems illustrate the influence of surface stresses. For example, antiplane surface waves exist in an elastic half-space only if one takes into account surface kinetic energy and surface strain energy in addition to classic constitutive equations in the bulk. Here we discussed the propagation of antiplane waves in an elastic half-space, in an elastic strip perfectly or non-perfectly attached to a half-space. Transverse waves are also studied in an elastic cylinder. Dispersion curves were obtained and analysed. In particular, it was shown that surface waves related to surface stresses propagate with lower speed than others. Finally, viscosity effects were analysed. We demonstrated that even small dissipation essentially changes the behaviour of dispersion curves and the decay with the depth. This is more pronounced for relatively large values of a wave frequency.



Prof. VICTOR EREMEYEV from University of Cagliari, Italy

Professor Eremeyev’s research relates to extension of the classic models of continua and structures and related mathematical methods towards new applications at various scales.

Area of interests includes Surface elasticity; Theory of plates and shells; Generalized continua such as micropolar, micromorphic, strain gradient elasticity with applications to metamaterials; Nonlinear elasticity; Nano- and micromechanics.

Scientific record contains more than 270 research papers and 15 written or edited books totally cited more that 6300 times.

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