Phyisical Electronics Seminar- By Prof. Jacob B Khurgin

29 במאי 2018, 13:00 
פקולטה להנדסה, ביניין כיתות, חדר 011 
Phyisical Electronics Seminar-  By Prof.  Jacob B Khurgin

You are invited to attend a lecture


Epsilon Near Zero Materials – Photonics on Steroids?



Jacob B Khurgin


Prof. at Electrical and Computer Engineering department, Johns Hopkins University




We examine the characteristics of optical materials with near zero real part of permittivity (ENZ), and compare them with other materials relying on resonance where Re(婾0 (e.g. plasmonics) or Re(1/婾0 (e.g. slow light, microresonators, e.t.c.). Despite being seemingly very diverse phenomena all of the resonant effects share a key common characteristics – slow group velocity. Consequently, whether one operates near a zero or a pole in optical response, one is bound to gain the same very useful enhancement of some properties such as nonlinearity, and, regrettably, the commensurate increase of loss and reduction in bandwidth.  As  a result, ENZ materials offer very little when it comes to modulation and switching that cannot be attained in the more mundane materials.



On Tuesday, May 29, 2018, 13:00

Room 011, Kitot building

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