LMI seminar

Multi-modal Single-molecule Imaging with Continuously Controlled Spectral-resolution (CoCoS) Microscopy

04 בנובמבר 2020, 13:00 
פגישת זום

Dear All,

You are cordially invited to the LMI seminar, that will be broadcasted on, Nov 4, 2020 01:00 PM Jerusalem


The speakers : Jonathan Jeffet, Group of Prof. Yuval Ebenstein - Department of Physical Chemistry  Tel Aviv University


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Multi-modal Single-molecule Imaging with Continuously Controlled Spectral-resolution (CoCoS) Microscopy



Jonathan Jeffet, Group of Prof. Yuval Ebenstein



Department of Physical Chemistry
Tel Aviv University


Color is a fundamental contrast mechanism in fluorescence microscopy, providing the basis for numerous imaging and spectroscopy techniques. The ever-growing need to acquire high-throughput, dynamic data from multicolor species is driving the development of optical schemes that optimize the achievable spectral, temporal, and spatial resolution needed in order to follow biological, chemical and physical processes. Here we introduce Continuously Controlled Spectral-resolution (CoCoS) microscopy, an imaging scheme that encodes color into spatial read-out in the image plane, with continuous control over the spectral resolution. The concept enables single-frame acquisition of multiple color channels, allowing simultaneous, single-molecule colocalization for barcoding and Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET) experiments. The simple control over the spectral dispersion allows switching between imaging modalities at a click of a button. We demonstrate the utility of CoCoS for multicolor localization microscopy of microRNA barcodes in clinical samples, single-molecule FRET measurements, and single-molecule spectroscopy. CoCoS may be integrated as a simple add-on to existing microscopes and will find use in applications that aim to record dynamic, multicolor localization events such as in multiplex FRET and tracking of multi-component, interacting complexes. 


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