EE Seminar: Structure and Complexity Aspects of Communication and Detection

01 בינואר 2018, 15:00 
חדר 011, בניין כיתות-חשמל 

(The talk will be given in English)


Speaker:     Dr. Lele Wang
                   Stanford University


Monday, January 1st, 2018
15:00 - 16:00

Room 011, Kitot Bldg., Faculty of Engineering


Structure and Complexity Aspects of Communication and Detection



Seven decades ago, Shannon established the fundamental limits of point-to-point communication. Since then, designing explicit code structures with low encoding/decoding complexity for practical communication systems has been an active research area. Recently, two classes of low-complexity codes--polar codes and spatially coupled LDPC codes--were shown to achieve the theoretical limits of point-to-point communication. However, in various other communication and detection scenarios, despite decades of research, there is still a gap between theory and practice. Advanced coding schemes in Shannon theory, which are shown to significantly boost the theoretical performance, typically incur a prohibitive computational complexity. Consequently, designing low-complexity implementable coding schemes that achieve optimal theoretical rates is a key challenge for practical system design.

In this talk, I will showcase how to design appropriate code structures in various distinct communication and detection problems, including interference management, universal channel coding, and phase detection for positioning systems. Leveraging tools from information theory, coding theory, communication theory, graph theory and combinatorics, these schemes achieve optimal theoretical rates while maintaining an implementable encoding/decoding complexity. I will conclude by briefly  discussing future research directions in emerging data science applications through the lens of structure and complexity. 

Lele Wang is a postdoctoral researcher in Electrical Engineering at Stanford University. She spent one year at Tel Aviv University before joining Stanford, also as a postdoctoral researcher. She received the Ph.D. degree in Communication Theory and Systems at the University of California, San Diego. Her research interests include information theory, coding theory, communication theory, graph theory and combinatorics. She is a recipient of the 2013 UCSD Shannon Memorial Fellowship, the 2013-2014 Qualcomm Innovation Fellowship, and the 2017 Center for Science of Information (CSoI) Postdoctoral Fellowship. Her Ph.D. thesis "Channel coding techniques for network communication" won the 2017 IEEE Information Theory Society Thomas M. Cover Dissertation Award.

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