ZOOM Seminar- Daniel Marima

02 באפריל 2020, 15:00 

You are invited to attend a lecture On Thursday, 2 April 2020, 15:00


Zoom Meeting ID: 300-619-704

Topic: EE Seminar

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Retrieval of information carried by a

multimode fiber through Rayleigh side




Daniel Marima

M.Sc. student under the supervision of Prof. Avishay Eyal and Dr. Alon Bahabad




Optical fibers are widely used today for telecommunication, sensing, fiber lasers, and much more. The majority of the applications of optical fibers use either the input or the output facets of the fiber. For telecommunication, the transmitted light is fed into the input facet of the fiber by the transmitter and is collected from the output facet of the fiber by the receiver. Rayleigh backscattered light collected from the input facet of the fiber can be used, for example, for sensing. Very little research has been done in order to perform those tasks through the sides of the optical fiber, using light which is scattered radially. In my research I study methods intended to facilitate interfacing with optical fibers through their sides, rather than their input or output facets. To that end I use a Convolutional Neural Network, which is a type of Artificial Intelligence, that is able to learn the scattering properties of the fiber at specific locations along the fiber. The network is able to retrieve both amplitude and phase information that is carried by the light that is coupled to the fiber by learning only the intensity of the scattered light. This ability can be used for broadcasting or eavesdropping in optical communications applications, or for distributed sensing. In the future, the preliminary results of this study may be used also (via reciprocity) for coupling external light into the optical fiber through its sides. This will enable gathering information about the surrounding of the fiber, and can be used, for example, for endoscopy.

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