סמינר LMI -מרכז אור וחומר מארח את Dr. Tomas Neuman

03 במאי 2023, 13:00 
הפקולטה להנדסה אוניברסיטת תל אביב, בנין כיתות ,אולם 011 
  סמינר  LMI -מרכז אור וחומר מארח את Dr. Tomas Neuman


LMI Seminar:

Atomically resolved optical spectroscopy using a scanning-tunneling microscope

Dr. Tomas Neuman

Group Head, Light and Matter Theory, Czech Academy of Sciences Prague,

Czech Republic

Wednesday  May  3th,  2023


Light refreshments and drinks will be served at 12:30

Auditorium 011, Engineering Classroom Building,  Faculty of Engineering, Tel-Aviv University


Abstract: I will talk about an intriguing method of microscopy that combines the atomic-scale resolution of a scanning-tunneling microscope (STM) with optics. This method is taking advantage of phenomena including the optical Stark shift and plasmonic Purcell effect to reveal excited-state properties of nanoscale samples with unprecedented spatial resolution.

In particular, I will talk about the mechanism of STM-induced luminescence applied to dye molecules and show how this technique allows one to obtain spectroscopic information and optical imaging of nanoscale samples with almost atomic-scale precision. Finally, I will show some latest results that include the nanoscale optical detection of molecular tautomerization, or detection of localized excitons in graphene nanoribbons.




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