- J. Appelbaum, M.S. Erlicki, “Optimized Design of Induction Machines”, IEEE Summer Power Meeting, Paper No. 68 CP 604 PWR, June 23-28, 1968, Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A.
- J. Appelbaum, “Determination of Slot Dimensions of Double Squirrel--Cage and Deep-Bar Rotors”, IEEE, IGA Annual Meeting, Paper No. 71, TP 22-PWR, Oct. 18-21, 1971, Cleveland, Ohio, U.S.A.
- J. Appelbaum, “Optimized Design of Three-Phase Power Transformer”, IEEE Winter Power Meeting, Paper No. 71 CP 23-PWR, Jan. 31-Feb. 5, 1971, N.Y., U.S.A.
- J. Appelbaum, “Performance Analysis of an Induction Machine”, IEEE PES Winter Meeting, Paper No. C 75 001-3, Jan. 26-31, 1975, New York, N.Y., U.S.A.
- J. Appelbaum, A. Geva, `”Electrical Machinery Manufacturing in Israel”, IEEE Proc. Ninth Convention of Electrical & Electronics Engineers in Israel, Paper No. D4-2, April 22-24, 1975, Tel Aviv, Israel.
- J. Appelbaum, J. Bany, A. Braunstein, “Array Power Output of Non-Identical Electrical Cells”, Twelfth Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, pp.1686-1692, Aug. 28-Sept. 2, 1977, Washington, D.C., U.S.A.
- A. Braunstein, J. Bany, J. Appelbaum, “Fixed Angle and Tracking System Solar Collectors”, IEEE Proc. Tenth Convention of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Paper No. A32, October 10-13, 1977, Tel-Aviv, Israel.
- J. Appelbaum, J. Bany, A. Braunstein, “Array Power Output of Non-Identical Electrical Cells”, Twelfth Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Washington D.C., Aug.-Sept. 1977, pp. 1686-1692.
- J. Appelbaum, J. Bany, “DC Motor Characteristics from Solar Cell Supply”, 1977 Photovoltaic Solar Energy Engineering Conference, pp. 1243--1252, Sept. 27-30, 1977, Luxembourg.
- J. Bany, J. Appelbaum, “Utilization of Solar Energy for Electrical Motor Drive”, International Conference on Electrical Machines, Paper No. G5 1-9, Sept. 11-13, 1978, Brussels, Belgium.
- J. Appelbaum, “Solar Cell Simulator”, IEEE Summer Power Meeting, Paper No. A79 464-9, July 15-20, 1979, Vancouver, Canada.
- J. Appelbaum, M. Sachter, G. Yekutieli, “Electric Circuit Analysis of High Concentration Solar Cell Array”, 1980 Annual Meeting, The Israel Physics Society, Vol. 26, Paper K-3, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, 1980.
- J. Appelbaum, A. Yablon, “Super-Sceptre Computer Program for Simulation of Electromechanical Devices and Systems”, International Conference on Electrical Machines, Paper No. PE614, pp. 1080-87, Sept. 15-17, 1980, Athens, Greece.
- R. Weiss, J. Appelbaum, “Hardware Simulation of Scaled-Down Photovoltaic Power System”, 1980 Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, pp. 531-534, October 27-31,1980, Cannes, France.
- J. Appelbaum, J. Bany, “Effect of Shading on Solar Collector Arrays in Large Scale Systems”, The Annual Conference on Research and Application of Solar Energy in Israel, Beer-Sheva, Feb. 24-25, 1981. Paper No. H-12.
- A. Yablon, J. Appelbaum, “Digital Simulation of Electric Devices”, First Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference, IEEE MELECON 81, Paper No.3.4.1, May 24-28, 1981, Tel-Aviv, Israel.
- J. Appelbaum, R. Weiss, “Estimation of Battery Charge in Photovoltaic Systems”, Sixteenth IEEE Photovoltaic Specialist Conference, pp. 513-518, Sept. 27-30, 1982, San Diego, U.S.A.
- J. Appelbaum, M. Shechter, G. Yekutieli, “Array Parameters of Non--Identical Solar Cells”, pp. 1025-1029, ibid.
- J. Appelbaum, R. Weiss, “An Electrical Model of the Lead-Acid Battery”, International Telecommunications Energy Conference (INTELEC), pp. 304-307, Oct. 3-6, 1982, Washington, D.C., U.S.A.
- E. Fuchs, L.H. Chang, J. Appelbaum, “Magnetizing Current, Iron Losses and Forces of Three-Phase Induction Machines at Sinusoidal and Nonsinusoidal Terminal Voltages, Part I: Analyses”, IEEE Winter Power Meeting, Paper No. 84 WM 140-0, Jan. 29 - Feb. 3, 1984, Dallas, Texas, U.S.A.
- J. Appelbaum, I.A. Khan, E. Fuchs, “Optimization of Three-Phase Induction Motor Design with Respect to Efficiency”, 1984 International Conference on Electrical Machines}, pp. 639-642, Sept. 18-21, 1984, Lausanne, Switzerland.
- J. Appelbaum, D. Gabbay, “A Synthesized Sinewave Inverter of Low--Level Sources”, IEEE 14th Convention of Electrical & Electronics Engineers, in Israel, paper No. 1.5.2, March 26-27, 1985, Tel- Aviv, Israel.
- J. Appelbaum, “Starting and Steady-State Characteristics of DC Motors Powered by Solar Cell Generators”, IEEE Summer Power Meeting, paper No. 85 SM 429-6, July 14-19, 1985, Vancouver, Canada.
- J. Appelbaum, “The Operation of a DC Permanent Magnet Motor Powered by a Solar Cell Generator”, IEEE MELECON 85, paper D2.2.7, October 8-10, 1985, Madrid, Spain.
- J. Appelbaum, “Load Mismatching in Photovoltaic Systems”, Proceedings of the First Sede Boquer Workshop on Solar Electricity Production, pp. H63-H64, 23-24 Feb. 1986.
- J. Appelbaum, E. Fuchs, J.C. White, “Optimization of Three-Phase Induction Motor Design, Part I: Formulation of the Optimization Technique”. IEEE Summer Power Meeting, paper No. 86 SM 486-5, July 20-25, 1986, Mexico City, Mexico.
- J. Appelbaum, I.A. Khan, E. Fuchs, “Optimization of Three-Phase Induction Motor Design, Part II: The Efficiency and Cost of an Optimal Design”, IEEE Summer Power Meeting, paper No. 86 SM 487-3, July 20-25, 1986, Mexico City, Mexico.
- J. Appelbaum, “The Degree of Load-Matching in Photovoltaic Systems”, 7th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, 27-31 October 1986, Seville, Spain.
- J. Appelbaum, “The Quality of Load Matching in a Direct-Coupling Photovoltaic System”, IEEE Winter Power Meeting, Paper No. 87 WM 222-3, Feb. 1-6, 1987, New Orleans, U.S.A.
- J. Appelbaum, R. Weiss, ``Solar Radiation Distribution Sensor”, The Second Sede Boqer Symposium on Electricity Generation from Solar Energy, Feb. 25-26, 1987, pp. 155-158, Sede Boqer, Israel.
- J. Appelbaum, “The Operation of Permanent Magnet DC Motors Powered by a Common Source of Solar Cells”, The Fifteenth Conference of Electrical & Electronics Engineers in Israel (IEEE region 8), Paper No. 3.1.6, April 7-9, 1987, Tel-Aviv, Israel.
- J. Appelbaum, “The Performance of Loads Powered by a Common Source of Solar Cells”, 8th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, 9-13 May 1987, Florence, Italy.
- J. Appelbaum, “The Operation of Loads Powered by Separate Sources or by a Common Source of Solar Cells”, IEEE Winter Power Meeting, paper No. 89 WM 002-7 EC, Jan. 29-Feb. 3, 1989, New York.
- J. Appelbaum, M.S. Sarma, “The Operation of Permanent Magnet DC Motors Powered by a Common Source of Solar Cells”, IEEE Winter Power Meeting, paper No. 89 WM 221-3 EC, Jan. 29-Feb. 3, 1989, New York.
- J. Appelbaum, “Common Source Multiple Load vs. Separate Source/Individual Load Photovoltaic System”, 4th International Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference, pp. 383-387, Sydney, Australia, Feb. 14-17, 1989.
- D.J. Flood, J. Appelbaum, “Photovoltaic Power System Considerations for Future Lunar Bases”, Ibid. pp. 521-526, Sydney, Australia, Feb. 14-17, 1989.
- J. Appelbaum, D.J. Flood, The Mars Climate for Photovoltaic System Operation”, International Astronautical Federation (IAF) Conference, June 5-7, 1989, Cleveland, Ohio.
- J. Appelbaum and S. Singer, “Magnification of Starting Torques of DC Motors by Maximum Power Point Trackers in Photovoltaic Systems”, The 24th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference}, IECEC-89, pp. 749-754, Aug. 6-11, 1989, Washington, DC.
- J. Appelbaum and D.J. Flood, “Photovoltaic Power System Operation in the Mars Environment”, Ibid. pp. 841-848, Aug. 6-11, 1989, Washington, DC.
- J. Appelbaum, G.A. Landis, “Feasibility of Solar Power for Mars”, Space Photovoltaic Research and Technology (SPRAT), pp. 223-254, Nov. 7-9, 1989, Cleveland, Ohio.
- G.A. Landis, J. Appelbaum, “Design Consideration for Mars Photovoltaic Power Systems”, 21st IEEE Photovoltaic Specialist Conference, May 21-25, 1990, Kissimmee, Florida.
- G.A. Landis, J. Appelbaum, “Photovoltaic Power System Operation on Mars”, Case for Mars IV, June 4-8, 1990, Boulder, Colorado.
- J. Appelbaum, A. Chait, D. Thompson, “Parameterization of Solar Cells and Arrays”, Solar World Congress, pp.283-288, Aug. 19-23, 1991, Denver, Colorado.
- J. Appelbaum, G.A. Landis, “Solar Radiation for Mars Power Systems”, European Space Power Conference, 707-712, 2-6 Sept. 1991, Florence, Italy.
- S. Singer, J. Appelbaum, “Starting Characteristics of Direct Current Motors Powered by Solar Cells”, IEEE Winter Power, paper No. 92, WM 010-9-EC, Jan. 26-30, 1991, New York.
- J. Appelbaum, G.A. Landis, “Photovoltaic Array for Martian Surface Power”, World Space Congress, paper IAF-92-0591, Aug. 28 - Sept. 5, 1992, Washington DC.
- J. Appelbaum, “Screening of Solar Cells”, Solar World Congress, pp. 207-212, August 23-27, 1993, Budapest, Hungary.
- J. Appelbaum, M. Crutchik, `”Optimal Design of Large Solar Fields: Maximum Energy Output”, International Conference on Comparative Assessment of Solar Power Technologies, pp. 295-305, February 14-18, 1994, Jerusalem, Israel.
- M. Alaluf, J. Appelbaum, L. Klibanov, N. Croitoru, “Amorphous Diamond-Like Carbon Films - A Hard Optical Material for Silicon Solar Cells”, First World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion, pp. 2208-2210, Dec. 5-9, 1994, Hawaii.
- N. Yehezkel, J. Appelbaum, A. Yogev, “Photovoltaic Conversion in a Common Solar Concentrating and Spectrally Splitting System”, First World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion, pp. 1811-1813, Dec. 5-9, 1994, Hawaii.
- A. Reshef, H. Suehrcke, J. Appelbaum, “Analysis of Photovoltaic Water Pumping System”, The Eighteenth Convention of Electrical and Electronics Engineering in Israel, paper 1.5.3, March 7-8, 1995, Tel-Aviv, Israel.
- J. Appelbaum, H. Suehrcke, B. Reshef, “Modeling of a Permanent Magnet DC Motor/Centrifugal Pump Assembly in a Photovoltaic Energy System”, ISES Solar World Congress, 11-15 Sept. 1995, Harare, Zimbabwe.
- N. Yehezkel, J. Appelbaum, A. Yogev, “Analysis and Measurements of Common Solar Concentrating and Spectrally Splitting Systems”, Seventh Sede Boqer Symposium on Solar Electricity Production, 18-20 March 1996.
- P.P. Jenkins, D.A. Scheiman, D.J. Brinker, J. Appelbaum, “Low Intensity Low Temperature (LILT) Measurements and Coefficients of New Photovoltaic Structures”, 25th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, pp. 317-320, May 13-17, 1996, Washington D.C.
- I. Glasner, J. Appelbaum, “Advantage of Boost vs. Buck Topology for Maximum Power Point Tracker in Photovoltaic Systems”, The Nineteenth Convention of Electrical and Electronics Engineers in Israel, pp. 355-358, Nov. 5-6, 1996, Jerusalem, Israel.
- J. Appelbaum, E. Matz, Y. Taitel, “Solar Cell Temperature on Mars”, 1997 ISES Solar World Congress, Aug. 24-30, 1997, Taejon, Korea.
- J. Appelbaum, T. Segalov, P.P. Jenkins, G.A. Landis, C.R. Baraona, “Verification of Mars Solar Radiation Model Based on Mars Pathfinder Data”, 26th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, pp. 1039-1041, 29 September - 3 October 1997, Anaheim, California.
- D. Mozes, I. Segal, M. Reuss, P. Roth, S. Khalil, M. Barak, J. Appelbaum, “Photovoltaic Fish-Pond Aeration”, 8th Sede Boker Symposium on Solar Electricity Production, 3-5 Nov. 1997, Israel, pp. 131-137.
- J. Appelbaum, “Solar Radiation on Mars Based on Mars Pathfinder Experiments”, ibid. pp. 147-152.
- J. Appelbaum, T. Segalov, “Screening and Aggregating of Solar Cells”, International Conference on Role of Renewable Energy Technology for Rural Development, October 12-14, 1998, pp. 172-176, Kathmandu, Nepal.
- D. Mozes, J. Appelbaum, I. Segal, M. Barak, M. Reuss, P. Roth, “Aeration of Fish-Ponds by Photovoltaic Power”, ISES Solar World Congress, pp.175-180, Jerusalem, Israel, July 4-9, 1999.
- J. Appelbaum, N. Croitoru, L. Klibanov, D. Scheiman, "The Effect of Electron Damage on Silicon Solar Cells Coated with Diamond-like Carbon Films", 16th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, 1-5 May, 2000, Glasgow, UK.
- M.A. De Blas, J. Appelbaum, J.L.Torres, E. Prieto, A. Garcia, A. De Francisco, “Performance of an Autonomous System for Milk Cooling and Conservation Powered by Photovoltaic Solar Energy. An Example of Renewable Energy in Agriculture”, International Conference on Integrated Renewable Energy for Regional Development, CIRERD-2001, 28-31th August, 2001, Bali, Indonesia.
- M.A. De Blas, J. Appelbaum, J.L.Torres, E. Prieto, A. Garcia, “Milk Cooling Facility for a Farm Powered by Photovoltaic Solar Energy”, 17th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, 22-26 October 2001, Munich, Germany.
- J. Appelbaum, “Photovoltaic Energy Conversion Systems: Important Aspects of Load Lines and Operating Points”, Symposium on Photovoltaic and Wind Energy Conversion, 5-6 February, 2002, Brussels, Belgium.
- A. Kribus, N. Koutcher, J. Appelbaum, H. Ries, R. Leutz, "Secondary reflectors for spherical and circular cylinder concentrators", The 29th Israel Conference on Mechanical Engineering May 12-13, 2003, Haifa, Israel
- A. Kribus, N. Koutcher, J. Appelbaum, H. Ries, R. Leutz ,"Circular collectors with secondaries for high concentration", Israel ISES Annual Meeting, May 28 ,2003, Rehovot, Israel .
- D.Weinstock , J.Appelbaum, "Deployment of Collectors in an Optimal Design of Solar Fields", ISES Solar World Congress, June 14-19, 2003, Gothenburgh, Sweden.
- D.Weinstock , J.Appelbaum ,"Optimizing solar field design for stationary collectors", 12th Symposium on Solar Electricity Production, Feb.23-24,2004,Sede Boqer, Israel.
- D.Weinstock, J.Appelbaum, "Shadow Variation on Photovoltaic Collectors in a Solar Field", 23rd IEEE Convention of Electrical and Electronics Engineerirs in Israel, Sept. 6-7, 2004, pp.354- 357, Tel Aviv Israel.
- Arenson M., Kribus A., Appelbaum J., Tovarovski G., Grossman G., Capeluto G., Yezioro A., Kudish A., Building-Integrated combined heat and Power solar collector. Israel Conf. Mechanical Engineering, Tel Aviv, May 2005.
- J. Appelbaum, D. Weinstock, " Minimization of a Solar Plant Cost", Israel ISES Annual Meeting, May 19 ,2005, Ramat Gan, Israel.
- D. Weinstock, J.Appelbaum, " Optimum Design of a Solar Collector Array " , Symposium on Renewable Energies and Energy Conversion CIGRE Israel,21 June 2005, Herzlia, Israel.
74. A.Kribus, J.Appelmaum, M.Arenson, G.Grossman. I.G. Capeluto, A Miniature building-integrated
spherical collector PV system, ISES 2005 Solar World Congress, Orlando, Florida, USA, August, 6-12,2005
75. D. Weinstock, J.Appelbaum, "Shading Consideration in Photovoltaic Solar Fields", 13th Sede Boqer
Symposium on Solar Electricity Production, 31October-2 Novemer, 2005.Israel
76. J.Appelbaum, K.Khouzam, " Photovoltaic Powered Salt Water Chlorination for Swimming Pools", 13th Sede
Boqer Symposium on Solar Electricity Production, 31 October- Nov.2, 2005, Israel.
77. J. Appelbaum," Issues in PV solar field design", Energy Forum-Photovoltaic Electricity, Neaman Institute,
Technion, Feb.13, 2006.
78. J. Appelbaum, K. Khouzam, Y. Dagan, “Photovoltaic Systems for Electrolysis Using Maximum Power
Point Tracker”, The 24th IEEE Convention of Electrical and Electronics Engineers in Israel, November
15-17, 2006, Eilat, Israel.
79. K. Khouzam, J. Appelbaum, “Chlorination of Swimming Pools by Photovoltaic Power –Sizing and
Matching Criterion”, Australian Universities Power Engineering Conference (AUPEC), 2006, 10-12
Dec., Melbourne, Australia.
80. D.Weinstock, J. Appelbaum, “Optimizing Solar Field Design for Single Axis Tracking Collectors’, ASES,
Solar 2007, July 7-12, 2007, Cleveland, Ohio, USA
81. Khouzam, J. Appelbaum, “Sizing of a Photovoltaic system for Water Chlorination”, ISES Solar World
Congress 2007, Beijing, China, September 18-21, 2007.
82. J.Appelbaum, D Weinatock, ”Optimal Solar Field Design of Stationary and Single Axis Tracking Photovoltaic
Collectors”, 23rd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, 1-5 Sept. 2008, Valencia, Spain.
83. J. Appelbaum, “ The Effect of Environment on the Output of Solar Cells”, Neaman Institute,
Technion, 14 Feb., 2011, Haifa, Israel.
84. M. Tamir, J. Appelbaum, “ Solar Radiation on HorizontalTubular Micro Algae Photo-Bioreactor plant”,
Israel ISES Annual Meeting, May 5, 2010, Rehovot, Israel.
85. Asaf Ben Or, J. Appelbaum, “ Parameter Estimation of Multi-Junction solar cells”, Israel ISES Annual
Meeting, Oct. 5, 2011, Tel Aviv, Israel.
86. Asaf Ben Or, Joseph Appelbaum, “Parameter Estimation of Multi-Junction Solar cells I-V Characteristics”,
26th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, 5-9 Sept. 2011, Hamburgt, Germany.
Asaf Ben Or, Joseph Appelbaum, “ Analytical Model for Concentrated Photovoltaic Arrays”, 87.
27th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, 24-28 Sept. 2012, Frankfurt , Germany.
88. Assaf Ben Or, Joseph Appelbaum, " Dependence of single diode medel parameters of multi-junction solar cells
on concentration and temperature", 28th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, 30 Sep.-4 Oct. 2013,
Paris, France.
89. Assaf Peled, Joseph Appelbaum, " A solar spectrum model based on artificial neural-networks ", 29th European
Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, 22-26 September 2014, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
90. Assaf Ben Or, Joseph Appelbaum, " Modeling of Multi-Junction Solar Cells ", 29th European
Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, 22-26 September 2014, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
91. Yehya Massalha, Joseph Appelbaum, "The Effect of Interconnecting Solar Cells in the PV
module on the power Output", 2016 ISCEE International Conference on the Science of
Electrical Engineering, Nov. 16 – 18, 2016 , Eilat, Israel.
92. Assaf, Peled, Joseph Appelbaum, "Enhancing the power production of PV modules by
Rearranging the solar-cells Interconnections", 2016 ISCEE International Conference on the
Science of Electrical Engineering, Nov. 16 – 18, 2016 , Eilat, Israel.