Further, we work on theoretical projects in the field of nonequilibrium physics aiming to model and understand the physics of living systems. We develop analytical and numerical tools to quantify nonequilibrium activity for stochastic processes driven far-from-equilibrium using the framework of stochastic thermodynamics and machine learning.
פרופ' גילי ביסקר

תחומי מחקר
Further, we work on theoretical projects in the field of nonequilibrium physics aiming to model and understand the physics of living systems. We develop analytical and numerical tools to quantify nonequilibrium activity for stochastic processes driven far-from-equilibrium using the framework of stochastic thermodynamics and machine learning.
Postdoc, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Ph.D., Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology
M.Sc., Physics, Cum Lauda, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology
B.A., Mathematics and Physics, Summa Cum Lauda, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology
פרסומים נבחרים
Acoustic performance of epoxy-based composites incorporating fluorescent single-walled carbon nanotubes
Verena Wulf, Ada Pui-yan Hung, Adi Hendler-Neumark, Weibai Li, Olga Shamis, Michael Gozin, Xiaodong Huang, Alan Kin Tak Lau, and Gili Bisker
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 173, 107667 (2023)
Nonequilibrium Self Assembly Time Forecasting by the Stochastic Landscape Method
Michael Faran and Gili Bisker
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B (2023)
Monitoring the formation of fibrin clots as part of the coagulation cascade using fluorescent single-walled carbon nanotube
Efrat Gerstman, Adi Hendler-Neumark, Verena Wulf, and Gili Bisker
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 15, 18, 21866–21876 (2023)
Single-walled carbon nanotubes as fluorescent probes for monitoring the self-assembly and morphology of peptide/polymer hybrid hydrogels
Verena Wulf and Gili Bisker
Nano Letters 22, 8793-9216 (2022)
Monitoring the Activity and Inhibition of Cholinesterase Enzymes using Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Fluorescent Sensors
Dan Loewenthal, Dotan Kamber, and Gili Bisker
Analytical Chemistry 94(41), 14223–14231 (2022)
Multicomponent System of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Functionalized with a Melanin-Inspired Material for Optical Detection and Scavenging of Metals
Verena Wulf, Ella Bichachi, Adi Hendler-Neumark, Tlalit Massarano, Avigail Baruch Leshem, Ayala Lampel and Gili Bisker
Advanced Functional Materials, 2209688 (2022)
Super-resolution near-infrared fluorescence microscopy of single-walled carbon nanotubes using deep learning
Barak Kagan, Adi Hendler-Neumark, Verena Wulf, Dotan Kamber, Roni Ehrlich, and Gili Bisker
Advanced Photonics Research, 3(11), 2200244 (2022)
Super-Resolution Radial Fluctuations (SRRF) Nanoscopy in the Near Infrared
Roni Ehrlich, Verena Wulf, Adi Hendler-Neumark, Barak Kagan, and Gili Bisker
Optics Express, 30(2), 1130-1142, (2022)
Oncometabolite Fingerprinting Using Fluorescent Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes
Dean Amir, Adi Hendler-Neumark, Verena Wulf, Roni Ehrlich, and Gili Bisker
Advanced Materials Interfaces, 9(4), 2101591 (2022)
Nonequilibrium self-assembly of multiple stored targets in a dimer-based system
Adi Ben-Ari, Liron Ben-Ari, and Gili Bisker
The Journal of Chemical Physics, 155(23), 234113 (2021)
Dendron-Polymer Hybrids as Tailorable Coronae of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube
Verena Wulf, Gadi Slor, Parul Rathee, Roey J. Amir, and Gili Bisker
ACS Nano 15(12), 20539 (2021)
In vivo imaging of fluorescent single-walled carbon nanotubes within C. elegans nematodes in the near-infrared window
Adi Hendler-Neumark, Verena Wulf, and Gili Bisker
Materials Today Bio, 12, 100175 (2021)
Optical Nanosensors for Real-time Feedback on Insulin Secretion by β-Cells
Roni Ehrlich, Adi Hendler-Neumark, Verena Wulf, Dean Amir, and Gili Bisker
Small 17(30), 2101660 (2021)
Dissipate your way to self-assembly
Gili Bisker
Nature Physics, 16(7), 707-708, (2020)
Fluorescent Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes for Protein Detection
Adi Hendler-Neumark and Gili Bisker
Sensors, 19(24), 5403 (2019)
Inferring broken detailed balance in the absence of observable currents
Ignacio A. Martínez*, Gili Bisker*, Jordan M. Horowitz, Juan M.R. Parrondo
Nature Communications, 10(1), 1-10 (2019)
Nonequilibrium associative retrieval of multiple stored self-assembly targets
Gili Bisker and Jeremy L. England
PNAS, 115 (45), (2018)