פרופ' בת אל שני פנחסיק

סגל אקדמי בכיר בביה"ס להנדסה מכנית
ביה"ס להנדסה מכנית סגל אקדמי בכיר
פרופ' בת אל שני פנחסיק
טלפון פנימי: 03-6405261
משרד: וולפסון הנדסה, 226


Ph.D. in Physics

Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces, Potsdam, Germany

University of Potsdam, Department of Physics

M.Sc. in Polymer Science 

Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces, Potsdam, Germany

Polymer Science International Program Berlin, Germany

Joint program to Potsdam, Humboldt, Technical and Free University in Berlin

B.Sc. Materials Engineering,  B.Sc. Physics

Technion University  Haifa, Israel

תחומי מחקר

  • Biomimetics
  • Interfacial Phenomena
  • Insects
  • Underwater Reversible Adhesion and Locomotion
  • Bio-inspired Materials
  • Wetting Phenomena

פרסומים נבחרים

D. Kobo, B.E. Pinchasik. "Backswimmer-Inspired Miniature 3D-Printed Robot with Buoyancy Autoregulation through Controlled Nucleation and Release of Microbubbles". 2022. Advanced Intelligent Systems 2200010

- R. Das, S. Gershon, B. Bar-On, M. Tadayon, A. Ayali, B.-E. Pinchasik. "The Biomechanics of the Locust Ovipositor Valves: a Unique Digging Apparatus". 2022Journal of Royal Society Interface 19, 20210955

- T. Weinstein, H. Gilon, O. Filc, C. Sammartino, B.-E. Pinchasik. "Automated Manipulation of Miniature Objects Underwater Using Air Capillary Bridges: Pick-and-Place, Surface Cleaning, and Underwater Origami". 2022. ACS applied materials & interfaces 14 (7), 9855-9863

- D. Feldmann, B.-E. Pinchasik. "How Droplets Move on Surfaces with Directional Chemical Heterogeneities". 2021. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 12 (48), 11703-11709

- P. Sudersan, M. Kappl, B.-E. Pinchasik, H.J. Butt, T. Endlein. "Wetting of the tarsal adhesive fluid determines underwater adhesion in ladybug beetles". 2021. Journal of Experimental Biology

- D. Feldmann, R. Das, B.-E. Pinchasik. "How Can Interfacial Phenomena in Nature Inspire Smaller Robots". 2020Advanced Materials Interfaces 8 (1), 2001300

- B.-E. Pinchasik, F. Schönfeld, M. Kappl, H.-J. Butt. “Bubbles nucleating on superhydrophobic micropillar arrays under flow”. 2019, Soft matter 15, 40, 8175-8183

L. Bao ¶ , B.-E. Pinchasik ¶ (¶ equal contribution), L. Lei, Q. Xu, H. Hao, X. Wang, X. Zhang. “Control of Femtoliter Liquid on a Microlens: A Way to Flexible Dual-Microlens Arrays“. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2019, 11, 30, 27386-27393 

P. Papadopoulos, B.-E. Pinchasik(equal contribution), M. Tress, D. Vollmer, M. Kappl, H.-J. Butt. “Wetting of soft superhydrophobic micropillar arrays“ Soft Matter, 2018, 14, 7429-7434

Y. Xing, X. Gui, L. Pan, B.-E. Pinchasik, Y. Cao, J. Liu, M. Kappl, H.-J. Butt. “Recent experimental advances for understanding bubble-particle attachment in flotation” Adv. Colloid. Interfac., 2017, 246, 105-132

S. Peng, B.-E. Pinchasik, H. Hao, H. Möhwald and X. Zhang. ”Morphological Transformation of Surface Femtodroplets upon Dissolution” J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 2017, 8, 584 (Featured in Spotlights)

- B.-E. Pinchasik, M. Kappl, H.-J. Butt. “Small Structures, Big Droplets: the Role of Nano Science in Fog Harvesting”. ACS Nano, 2016, 10, 10627 (Invited perspective)

- B.-E. Pinchasik, H. Wang, H. Möhwald and H. Asanuma.* “Fully Reversible Transition between Cassie and Wenzel States via Acoustic Waves”. Adv. Mater. Interfaces, 2016, 3, 1600722 (Front cover)

S. Stremersch , M. Marro , B.E Pinchasik , P. Baatsen , A. Hendrix , S. C. De Smedt , P. Loza‐Alvarez , A. G. Skirtach , K. Raemdonck , K. Braeckmans. “Identification of Individual Exosome-Like Vesicles by Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy”. Small, 2016, 12, 3292

S. Donatan, A. Yashchenok, N. Khan, B. Parakhonskiy, M. Cocquyt, B.-E. Pinchasik, D. Khalenkow, H. Möhwald, M. Konrad and A. Skirtach. “Loading Capacity versus Enzyme Activity in Anisotropic and Spherical Calcium Carbonate Microparticles”. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2016, 8, 22, 14284

- B.-E. Pinchasik, J. Steinkuehler, P. Wuytens, A. G. Skirtach, P. Fratzl and H. Moehwald. “From Beetles in Nature to the Lab: Actuating Underwater Locomotion on Hydrophobic Surfaces”. Langmuir, 2015, 31, 51, 13734

- B.-E. Pinchasik, H. Moehwald and A. G. Skirtach.* “Breaking the Symmetry – Assembly and Applications of Anisotropic and Janus Structures”. Polymers SPSJ, 2015, 64, 10 (Invited, Cover story)

R. Palankar and B.-E Pinchasik (equal contribution), B. N. Khlebtsov, T. A. Kolesnikova, H. Moehwald, M. Winterhalter, A. G. Skirtach. “Nanoplasmonically-Induced Defects in Lipid Membrane Monitored by Ion Current: Transient Nanopores versus Membrane Rupture “. Nano Letters, 2014, 427314, 8, 4279

- B.-E Pinchasik, H. Möhwald, A. G. Skirtach. “Mimicking Bubble Use in Nature- Propulsion of Janus Particles due to Hydrophobic-Hydrophilic Interactions”. Small, 2014, 10: 2670 (Highlighted in Materials Views)

- B.-E Pinchasik, K. Tauer, H. Möhwald, A. G. Skirtach. “Polymer Brush Gradients by Adjusting the Functional Density through Temperature Gradient”. Adv. Mater. Interfaces. 2014, 1, 1300056

R. Palankar, B.-E Pinchasik, P. L. A. Fernandes, S. Schmidt, B. G. De Geest, A. Fery, H. Möhwald, A. G. Skirtach, M. Delcea. “Mechanical strength and intracellular uptake of CaCO3 - templated LbL capsules composed of bio-degradable polyelectrolytes: the influence of the number of layers”.  J. Mater. Chem. B, 2013, 1, 1175

A. M. Yashchenok, D. Borisova, B. V. Parakhonskiy, A. Masic, B.-E Pinchasik, H. Möhwald and A. G. Skirtach. “Nanoplasmonic smooth silica versus porous calcium carbonate bead biosensors for detection of biomarkers”. Ann. Phys., 2012, 524, 723 

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