פרופ' אלכסנדר גלפגט

סגל אקדמי בכיר בביה"ס להנדסה מכנית
ועדת מינויים יחידתית בביה"ס להנדסה מכנית
ביה"ס להנדסה מכנית סגל אקדמי בכיר
פרופ' אלכסנדר גלפגט
טלפון פנימי: 03-6407207
פקס: 03-6407334
משרד: וולפסון הנדסה, 310

תחומי מחקר

מחקר ניסיוני וחישובי של תופעות זרימה, מעבר חום ומסה בתהליכי גידול גבישים, בקרת יציבות תהליכי זרימה ומעבר חום, זרימה בשכבות גזירה, ריבוי פתרונות ובקרתם במערכות לא ליניאריות, שיטות נומריות לביות זרימה ותהליכי מעבר.

קורות חיים

פרופ' גלפגט סיים תואר שני בפיסיקה בשנת 1983, מפקולטה לפיסיקה ומתמטיקה, אוניברסיטת לטביה. תואר שלישי  סיים ב-1989 מלנינגרד פוליטכניק. התחיל לעבוד כעמית מחקר ב-1980   ועזב את לטביה ב-1992 כעמית מחקר בכיר במכון למתמטיקה ומדעי המחשב של אוניברסיטת לטביה.

בין השנים: 1992 - 1993 עבד כפוסט-דוקטורנט במכון למדעי תעשיה, אוניברסיטת טוקיו, יפן. ב-1993 עלה ארצה. התחיל לעבוד ב-1993 כעמית מחקר בפקולטה להנדסת מכונות בטכניון.

פרופ' גלפגט עזב את הטכניון כעמית מחקר בכיר בשנת-2002,  והצטרף לפקולטה להנדסה באוניברסיטת ת"א כמרצה בכיר. ב-2006 קודם לדרגת פרופסור חבר עם קביעות, וב-2011 לפרופסור מן המניין.

מחקרים ופרסומים

 פרופ' גלפגט פרסם עד היום יותר מ-60 מאמרים מדעיים שפורסמו בכתבי עת מדעיים המובילים בעולם וערך ספר אחד. הנחה ומנחה כמה תלמידי מחקר שחלקם ממוקמים במרכזי מחקר מובילים. פרופ' גלפגט חבר בצוות העורכים של כתבי עט מדעיים, והיה חבר בוועדות מדעיות של כנסים מקצועיים.

 דף הבית:   www.eng.tau.ac.il/~gelfgat


Books edited

Studies of Flow Instabilities in Bulk Crystal Growth, ed. A. Gelfgat, Transworld Research Network, 2007.

Computational Modelling of Bifurcations and Instabilities in Fluid Dynamics, ed. A. Gelfgat, Springer, 2018. To appear.



Chapters in books

  1. Gelfgat A.Yu. 1998. On Different Modes of Rayleigh-Bénard Instability in Two- and Three-Dimensional Rectangular Enclosures. In: Continuation methods in Fluid Dynamics, eds. D. Henry and A. Bergeon, Vieweg, 1998, pp.119-132.
  2. Gelfgat A.Yu. 2007. Numerical Study of Three-Dimensional Instabilities of Czochralski Melt Flow Driven by Buoyancy Convection, Thermocapillarity and Rotation. In: Studies of Flow Instabilities in Bulk Crystal Growth, ed. A. Gelfgat, Transworld Research Network, 2007, pp. 57-82.
  3. Gelfgat A.Yu. On acceleration of Krylov-subspace-based Newton and Arnoldi iterations for incompressible CFD: replacing time steppers and generation of initial guess. In: Computational Modelling of Bifurcations and Instabilities in Fluid Dynamics, ed. A. Gelfgat, Springer, 2018.
  4. Gelfgat A.Yu. Global Galerkin method for stability studies in incompressible CFD and other possible applications. In: Computational Modelling of Bifurcations and Instabilities in Fluid Dynamics, ed. A. Gelfgat, Springer, 2018.



Refereed papers in professional journals:


  1. Gelfgat A.Yu. and Perets I.V. 1987. Suppression of forced and convective flows of a stably stratified fluid in vertical channels, Mechanika Zhidkosti i Gaza, 1987, No.2, 172-174 (rus., English translation in: Fluid Dynamics, 1987, 22(2) 310-312).
  2. Gelfgat A.Yu. 1988. Effects of the magnetic field magnitude and direction on the oscillatory thermogravitational convection regimes in a rectangular cavity, Magnetic Hydrodynamics, 1988, No.3, 70-75 (rus., English translation in: Magnetohydrodynamics, 1988, 24(3) 324-328).
  3. Gelfgat A.Yu. and Martuzans B.J. 1990. Investigation of thermogravitational-thermocapillary steady-state convective flow stability at low Prandtl numbers, Mechanika Zhidkosti i Gaza, 1990, No.2, 8-12 (rus., English translation in: Fluid Dynamics, 1990, 25(2) 169-174).
  4. Gelfgat A.Yu. 1990. The magnetic field as it affects the three-dimensional structure of the self-oscillation regimes in free convection, Magnitnaya Gidrodynamika, 1990, No.1, 13-22 (rus., English translation in: Magnetohydrodynamics, 1990, 26(1), 8-16).
  5. Gelfgat A.Yu. 1991. Development and instability of steady convective flows in the square cavity heated from below in a field of vertically directed vibration forces, Mechanika Zhidkosti i Gaza, 1991, No.2, 8-12 (rus., English translation in: Fluid Dynamics, 1991, 26(2), 165-172).
  6. Gelfgat A.Yu. and Tanasawa I. 1994. Numerical analysis of oscillatory instability of buoyancy convection with the Galerkin spectral method, Numerical Heat Transfer. Part A: Applications, 25(6), 627-648.
  7. Gelfgat A.Yu. and Tanasawa I. 1995. Numerical investigation of the thermocapillary drift of a bubble in an electric field, Microgravity Science and Technology8(1), 16-22.
  8. Gelfgat A.Yu., Bar-Yoseph P.Z. and Solan A. 1996. Stability of confined swirling flow with and without vortex breakdown, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 311, 1-36.
  9. Gelfgat A.Yu., Bar-Yoseph P.Z. and Solan A. 1996. Steady states and oscillatory instability of swirling flow in a cylinder with rotating top and bottom, Physics of Fluids, 8(10), 2614-2625.
  10. Gelfgat A.Yu., Bar-Yoseph P.Z. and Yarin A.L. 1997. On oscillatory instability of convective flows at low Prandtl number, Journal of Fluids Engineering, 119, 823-830.
  11. Gelfgat A.Yu., Bar-Yoseph P.Z. and Yarin A.L. 1999. Stability of multiple steady states of convection in laterally heated cavities, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 388, 315-334.
  12. Gelfgat A.Yu., Bar-Yoseph P.Z. and Yarin A.L. 1999. Non-Symmetric convective flows in laterally heated rectangular cavities, Int. J. Computational Fluid Dynamics, 11, 261-273.
  13. Gelfgat A.Yu. 1999. Different modes of Rayleigh-Bénard instability in two- and three-dimensional rectangular enclosures, Journal of Computational Physics. 156, 300-324.
  14. Priede J., Cramer A., A.Bojarevics, Gelfgat A.Yu., Bar-Yoseph P.Z., Yarin A.L., Gerbeth G. 1999. Experimental and numerical study of anomalous thermocapillary convection in liquid gallium, Physics of Fluids, 11, 3331-3339.
  15. Gelfgat A.Yu., Bar-Yoseph P.Z., Solan A., Kowalewski T. 1999. An axisymmetry- breaking instability in axially symmetric natural convection, International Journal of Transport Phenomena, 1, 173-190.
  16. Gelfgat A.Yu., Bar-Yoseph P.Z., and Solan A. 2000. Axisymmetry breaking instabilities of natural convection in a vertical Bridgman growth configurations, Journal of Crystal Growth, 220, 316-325.
  17. Gelfgat A.Yu. 2001. Two- and three-dimensional instabilities of confined flows: numerical study by a global Galerkin method, Computational Fluid Dynamics Journal, 9, 437-448.
  18. Gelfgat A.Yu., Bar-Yoseph P.Z., and Solan A. 2001. Three-dimensional instability of axisymmetric flow in a rotating lid - cylinder enclosure, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 438, 363-377.
  19. Gelfgat A.Yu., Bar-Yoseph P.Z., and Solan A. 2001. Effect of axial magnetic field on three-dimensional instability of natural convection in a vertical Bridgman growth configuration, Journal of Crystal Growth, 230, 63-72.
  20. Gelfgat A.Yu. and Bar-Yoseph P.Z., 2001. The effect of an external magnetic field on oscillatory instability of convective flows in a rectangular cavity, Physics of Fluids, 13, 2269-2278.
  21. Gelfgat A.Yu., Yarin A.L., and Bar-Yoseph P.Z. 2001. Three-dimensional instability of a two-layer Dean flow, Physics of Fluids, 13, 3185-3195.
  22. Yarin A.L., Gelfgat A.Yu. and Bar-Yoseph P.Z. 2002. Enhancement of mass transfer in a two-layer Taylor-Couette apparatus with axial flow, Int. J. Heat and Mass Transfer, 45, 555-570.
  23. Gelfgat A.Yu. 2002. Three-dimensionality of trajectories of experimental tracers in a steady axisymmetric swirling flow: effect of density mismatch, Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics, 16, 29-41.
  24. Gelfgat A.Yu., Yarin A.L., and Bar-Yoseph P.Z. 2003. Dean vortices – induced enhancement of mass transfer through an interface separating two immiscible liquids, Physics of Fluids, 15, 330-347.
  25. Gelfgat A.Yu., Yarin A.L., and Bar-Yoseph P.Z. 2003. Convection – induced enhancement of mass transfer through an interface separating two immiscible liquids in a two-layer horizontal annulus, Physics of Fluids, 15, 790-800.
  26. Marques F., Gelfgat A.Yu., and Lopez J. M. 2003. Tangent double Hopf bifurcation in a differentially rotating cylinder flow, Physical Review E, 68, pp. 06310-1 – 06310-13 .
  27. Erenburg V., Gelfgat A.Yu., Kit E., Bar-Yoseph P.Z., and Solan A. 2003. Multiple states, stability and bifurcations of natural convection in rectangular cavity with partially heated vertical walls, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 492, 63-89.
  28. Gelfgat A.Yu. 2004. Stability and slightly supercritical oscillatory regimes of natural convection in a 8:1 cavity: solution of benchmark problem by a global Galerkin method, Int. J. Numerical Methods in Fluids, 44, 135-146.
  29. Gelfgat A.Yu., Bar-Yoseph P.Z. 2004. Multiple solutions and stability of confined convective and swirling flows – a continuing challenge, Int. J. Numer. Meth. Heat and Fluid Flow, 14, 213-241.
  30. Gelfgat Yu.M., Gelfgat A.Yu. 2004. Experimental and numerical study of rotating magnetic field driven flow in cylindrical enclosures with different aspect ratios, Magnetohydrodynamics, 40, 147-160.
  31. Rubinov A., Erenburg V., Gelfgat A.Yu., Kit E., Bar-Yoseph P.Z., Solan A. 2004. Three-dimensional instabilities of natural convection in a vertical cylinder with partially heated sidewalls, Journal of Heat Transfer, 126, 586-599.
  32. Gelfgat A.Yu., Yarin A.L., Bar-Yoseph P.Z., Graham M., Bai G. 2004. Numerical modeling of two-fluid Taylor-Couette flow with deformable capillary liquid-liquid interface, Physics of Fluids, 16, 4066-4074.
  33. Gelfgat A.Yu., Rubinov A., Bar-Yoseph P.Z., Solan A. 2005. Numerical study of three-dimensional instabilities in a hydrodynamic model of Czochralski growth, Journal of Crystal Growth, 275, e7-e13.
  34. Gelfgat A.Yu. 2005. On three-dimensional instability of a traveling magnetic field driven flow in a cylindrical container, J. Crystal Growth, 279, 276-288.
  35. Gelfgat A.Yu., Rubinov A., Bar-Yoseph P.Z., Solan A. 2005. On the Three-Dimensional Instability of Thermocapillary Convection in Arbitrary Heating Floating Zones in Microgravity Environment, Fluid Dynamics & Material Processing, 1, 21-31.
  36. Gelfgat A.Yu. 2006. Implementation of arbitrary inner product in global Galerkin method for incompressible Navier-Stokes equation,  J. Comput. Phys., 211, 513-530.
  37. Heifetz E., Reuveni Y., Gelfgat A. Yu., Kit E. 2006. The counter-propagating Rossby wave perspective of Kelvin-Helmholtz instability a limiting case of a Rayleigh shear layer with zero width, Physics of Fluids, 18, 01801-1 – 01801-4.
  38. Gelfgat A.Yu. and Kit E. 2006. Spatial versus temporal instabilities in a parametrically forced stratified mixing layer, J. Fluid Mech, 552, 189-227.
  39. Gelfgat A. Yu. 2007. Stability of convective flows in cavities: solution of benchmark problems by a low-order finite volume method, Int. J. Numer. Meths. Fluids, 53, 485-506.
  40. Gelfgat A. Yu. 2007. Three-Dimensional Stability Calculations for Hydrodynamic Model of Czochralski Growth, J. Cryst. Growth, 303, 226-230.
  41. Gelfgat A. Yu. 2007. Three-dimensional instability of axisymmetric flows: solution of benchmark problems by a low-order finite volume method, Int. J. Numer. Meths. Fluids, 54, 269-294.
  42. Teitel M., Schwabe D., Gelfgat A.Yu. 2008. Experimental and computational study of flow instabilities in a model of Czochralski growth, J. Cryst. Growth, 310, 1343-1348.
  43. Crnogorac N., Wilke H., Cliffe K. A., Gelfgat A. Yu., and Kit E. 2008. Numerical modelling of instability and supercritical oscillatory states in a Czochralski model system of oxide melts, Crystal Research and Technology, 43, 606-615.
  44. Feldman Yu. and Gelfgat A. Yu. 2009. On pressure-velocity coupled time-integration of incompressible Navier-Stokes equations using direct inversion of Stokes operator or accelerated multigrid technique, Computers & Structures, 87, 710-720.
  45. Sørensen J. N., Gelfgat A. Yu., Naumov I. V., and Mikkelsen R. F. 2009. Experimental and numerical results on three-dimensional instabilities in a rotating disk–tall cylinder flow, Physics of Fluids, 21,  054102, 5pp.
  46. Kit E., Gerstenfeld D., Gelfgat A.Y., and Nikitin N.V. 2010. Bulging and bending of Kelvin-Helmholtz billows controlled by symmetry and phase of initial perturbation. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 216, 012019, 21pp.
  47. Feldman Yu. and Gelfgat A.Yu. 2010. Oscillatory instability of a 3D lid-driven flow in a cube. Physics of Fluids, 22, 093602.
  48. Shitrit S., Sidilkover D., and Gelfgat A.Yu. 2010. An algebraic multigrid solver for transonic flow problems. Journal of Computational Physics, 230, 1707-1729.
  49. Gelfgat A.Yu. and Molokov S. 2011. Quasi-two-dimensional convection in a 3D laterally heated box in a strong magnetic field normal to main circulation. Physics of Fluids, 23, 034101.
  50. Haslavsky V., Miroshnichenko E., Kit E., and Gelfgat A. Yu. 2011. On experimental and numerical prediction of instabilities in Czochralski melt flow configuration.  Journal of Crystal Growth, 318, 156-161.
  51. Feldman Yu. and Gelfgat A.Yu. 2011. From multi- to single-grid CFD on massively parallel computers: numerical experiments on lid-driven flow in a cube using pressure-velocity coupled formulation. Computers & Fluids, 46, 218-223.
  52. Liberzon A., Feldman Yu., and Gelfgat A. Yu. 2011 Experimental observation of the steady – oscillatory transition in a cubic lid-driven cavity. Physics of Fluids, 23, 084106.
  53. Gelfgat A.Yu. 2011 Destabilization of convection by weak rotation. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 685, 377-412.
  54. Vitoshkin H., Heifetz E., Gelfgat A. Yu., Harnik N. 2012 On the role of vortex stretching in optimal growth of three dimensional perturbations on plane parallel shear flows, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 707, 369-380.
  55. Vitoshkin H., Gelfgat A. Yu. 2013 On direct inverse of Stokes, Helmholtz and Laplacian operators in view of time-stepper-based Newton and Arnoldi solvers in incompressible CFD, Communications in Computational Physics, 14, 1103-1119.
  56. Dijkstra H.A., Wubs F.W., Cliffe A.K., Doedel E., Dragomirescu I.F., Eckhardt B., Gelfgat A.Yu., Hazel A.L., Lucarini V., Salinger A.G., Phipps E.T., Sanchez-Umbria J., Schuttelaars H. ,Tuckerman L.S., Thiele U. 2013 Numerical bifurcation methods and their application to fluid dynamics: Analysis beyond simulation, Communications in Computational Physics, 15, 1-45.
  57. Haslavsky V., Kit E., and Gelfgat A. Yu. 2013 Experimental modelling of Czochralski melt flow with a slow crystal dummy rotation, Acta Physica Polonica, Pt. A, 124, 193-197.
  58. Haslavsky V., Kit E., Miroshnichenko E., and Gelfgat A. Yu. 2013. Comparison and a possible source of disagreement between experimental and numerical results in a Czochralski model. Fluid Dynamics and Materials Processing, 9, 209-234.
  59.  Gelfgat A. Yu. 2014 Visualization of three-dimensional incompressible flows by quasi-two-dimensional divergence-free projections, Computers & Fluids, 97, 143-155.
  60. Vitoshkin H., Gelfgat A. Yu. 2014 Non-modal disturbances growth in a viscous mixing layer flow. Fluid Dynamics Research, 46, 041414.
  61. Gelfgat A. Yu. 2015  Primary oscillatory instability in a rotating disk-cylinder system with aspect (height/radius) ratio varying from 0.1 to 1, Fluid Dynamics Research, 47, 035502.
  62. Miroshnichenko E., Kit E., and Gelfgat A. Yu. 2016. Experimental study of cold plume instability in large Prandtl number Czochralski melt: Parametric dependences and scaling laws. J. Cryst. Growth, 438, 38-42.
  63. Barmak I., Gelfgat A., Vitoshkin H., Ullmann A., and Brauner N. 2016 Stability of stratified two-phase flows in horizontal channels, Physics of Fluids, 28, 044101.
  64. Gelfgat A. Yu. 2016 Visualization of three-dimensional incompressible flows by quasi-two-dimensional divergence-free projections in arbitrary flow regions. Theor. Comput. Fluid Dyn., 30, 339-348.
  65. Barmak I., Gelfgat A., Ullmann A., and Brauner N. 2016. Stability of stratified two-phase flows in inclined channels, Physics of Fluids, 28, 084101.
  66. Miroshnichenko E., Kit E., and Gelfgat A. Yu. 2016. Effect of the capillary meniscus height on the instability of large Prandtl number Czochralski melt flow. J. Cryst. Growth, 453, 20-26.
  67. Barmak I., Gelfgat A., Ullmann A., and Brauner N. 2017. On the Squire’s transformation for stratified two-phase flows in inclined channels. Int. J. Multiphase flow, 88, 142-151.
  68. Gelfgat A. Yu. 2017. Time-dependent modeling of oscillatory instability of three-dimensional natural convection of air in a laterally heated cubic box. Theor. Comput. Fluid Dyn., 31, 447-469.


Book Reviews in refereed professional journals

  1. Gelfgat A. Yu. 2011. Marcello Lappa: Thermal convection: patterns, evolution and stability. Book Review. Crystal Research and Technology, 46, 891-892.


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