פרופ' הדס ממן שטינדל

סגל אקדמי בכיר בביה"ס להנדסה מכנית
ביה"ס להנדסה מכנית סגל אקדמי בכיר
ניווט מהיר:
פרופ' הדס ממן שטינדל
טלפון פנימי: 03-6408129
פקס: 03-6407334
משרד: וולפסון הנדסה, 213

תחומי מחקר

טכנולוגיות חדשניות לשיפור איכות מים המבוססות על צורונים ראקטיביים: פוטונים מקרינה אולטרה סגולה וקרינה סולרית, רדיקלים מתהליכי חמצון מתקדמים וננוחלקיקים.



  1. Grilli, R., Di Camillo, D., Lozzi, L., Horovitz, I., Mamane, H., Avisar, D. and Baker, M.A.  (2015) Surface characterisation and photocatalytic performance of N-doped TiO2 thin films deposited onto 200 nm pore size alumina membranes by sol-gel methods. In press Materials Chemistry and Physics.
  2. Taylor-Edmonds, L., Lichi, T., Rotstein-Mayer, A. and Mamane, H. (2015) The impact of dose, irradiance and growth conditions on Aspergillus niger (renamed A. brasiliensis) spores low-pressure (LP) UV inactivation, Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part A-Toxic/Hazardous Substances & Environmental Engineering 50, 341-347.
  3. Zucker, I*., Lester, Y., Avisar, D., Hübner, U., Jekel, M., Weinberger, Y. and Mamane, H. (2015) Influence of wastewater particles on ozone degradation of trace organic contaminants, Environmental Science & Technology 49, 301-308.
  4. Mamane, H., Horovitz, I*., Lozzi, L., Di Camillo, D. and Avisar, D. (2014) The role of physical and operational parameters in photocatalysis by N-doped TiO2 sol-gel thin films. Chemical Engineering Journal 257, 159–169.
  5. Lester, Y*., Avisar, D., Gnayem, H., Sasson, Y., Shavit, M. and Mamane, H. (2014) Demonstrating a new BiOCl0.875Br0.125 photocatalyst to degrade pharmaceuticals under solar irradiation. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 225, 2132.
  6. Lakretz, A*., Elifantz, H., Kviatkovski, I., Eshel, G. and Mamane, H. (2014) Automatic microfiber filtration (AMF) of surface water: impact on water quality and biofouling evolution Water Research 48, 592-604.
  7. Lester, Y*., Sharpless, C.M., Mamane, H. and Linden, K.G. (2013) Production of photo-oxidants by dissolved organic matter during UV water treatment. Environmental Science and Technology 47, 11726–11733.
  8. Lester, Y*., Mamane, H. Zucker, I. and Avisar, D. (2013) Treating wastewater from a pharmaceutical formulation facility by biological process and ozone. Water Research 47, 4349–4356.
  9. Lester, Y*., Avisar, D. and Mamane, H. (2013) Ozone degradation of Cyclophosphamide – effect of alkalinity and key effluent organic matter constitutes. Ozone: Science & Engineering 35, 125 – 133.
  10. Avisar, D., Horovitz, I*., Lozzi, L., Ruggeri, F., Baker, M., Abel, M.L. and Mamane, H. (2013) Impact of water quality on removal of carbamazepine in natural waters by N-doped TiO2 photo-catalytic thin film surfaces. Journal of Hazardous Materials 244, 463-471.
  11. Dror-Ehre, A*., Adin, A. and Mamane H. (2012) Control of membrane biofouling by silver nanoparticles using Pseudomonas aeruginosa as a model bacterium. Desalination and Water Treatment 48, 130-137.
  12. Lester, Y*., Mamane, H. and Avisar, D. (2012) Enhanced removal of micropollutants from groundwater, using pH modification coupled with photolysis, Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 223(4), 1639-1647.
  13. Theitler, D.J*., Nasser, A., Gerchman, Y., Kribus, A. and Mamane, H. (2012) Synergistic effect of heat and solar UV on DNA damage and water disinfection of E. coli and bacteriophage MS2. Journal of Water and Health 10(4), 605-618.
  14. Lakretz, A*., Ron, E.Z. and Mamane, H. (2011) Biofilm control in water by a UV-based advanced oxidation process, Biofouling 27(3), 295–307.
  15. Lakretz, A*., Ron, E.Z. Harif, T and Mamane, H. (2011) Biofilm control in water by advanced oxidation process (AOP) pre-treatment: effect of natural organic matter (NOM), Water Science and Technology 64(9), 1876-1884.
  16. Lester, Y*., Avisar, D. and Mamane, H. (2011) Removal of pharmaceuticals using combination of UV/H2O2/O3 advanced oxidation process, Water Science and Technology 64(11), 2230-2238.
  17. Avisar, D., Primor, O*., Gozlan, I. and Mamane, H. (2010) Sorption of sulfonamides and tetracyclines to montmorillonite clay, Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 209, 1-4, 439-450.
  18. Mamane, H., Bar, I*., Ori, I*., Colorni, A. and Mozes, N. (2010) The use of an open channel, low pressure UV reactor for water treatment in low head recirculating aquaculture systems (LH-RAS), Aquacultural Engineering 42, 103-111.
  19. Avisar, D., Lester Y*. and Mamane, H. (2010) pH induced polychromatic UV treatment for the removal of a mixture of SMX, OTC and CIP from water, Journal of Hazardous Materials 175, 1068-1074.
  20. Dror-Ehre, A*., Adin, A., Markovich, G. and Mamane, H. (2010) Control of biofilm formation in water using molecularly capped silver nanoparticles, Water Research 44, 2601-2609.
  21. Lakretz, A*., Ron, E.Z. and Mamane, H. (2010) Biofouling control in water by various UVC wavelengths and doses, Biofouling 26(3), 257-267.
  22. Lester, Y*., Gozlan, I., Avisar, D. and Mamane, H. (2010) Photodegradation of the antibiotic sulphamethoxazole in water with UV/H2O2 advanced oxidation process, Environmental Technology 31(2), 175-183.
  23. Dror-Ehre, A*., Mamane, H., Belenkova, T., Markovich, G. and Adin, A. (2009) Silver nanoparticle - E.coli colloidal interaction in water and effect on E.coli survival, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 339(2), 521-526.
  24. Mamane, H., Bohrerova, Z. and Linden, K.G. (2009) Evaluation of Bacillus spore survival and surface morphology following chlorine and ultraviolet disinfection in water, ASCE Journal of Environmental Engineering 135(8), 692-699.
  25. Parkansky, N., Alterkop, B.A., Boxman, R.L., Mamane, H. and Avisar, D. (2008) Submerged arc breakdown of sulfadimethoxine (SDM) in aqueous solutions, Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing 28(5), 583-592.
  26. Mamane, H. (2008) Impact of particles on UV disinfection of water and wastewater effluents: a review, Reviews in Chemical Engineering 24 (2-3), 67-157.
  27. Mamane, H., Kohn, C*. and Avner, A. (2008) Characterizing shape of effluent particles by image analysis, Separation Science and Technology 43(7), 1737-1753.
  28. Lester, Y*., Gozlan, I., Avisar, D. and Mamane, H. (2008) Photodegradation of sulphadimethoxine in water by medium pressure UV lamp, Water Science and Technology 58(5), 1147-1154.
  29. Mamane, H., Shemer, H. and Linden, K.G. (2007) Inactivation of E.coli, B. subtilis spores, and MS2, T4, and T7 phage using UV/H2O2 advanced oxidation, Journal of Hazardous Materials 146, 479-486.
  30. Bohrerova, Z., Mamane, H., Ducoste, J.J and Linden, K.G. (2006) Comparative inactivation of Bacillus subtilis spores and MS-2 coliphage in a UV reactor: Implications for validation, ASCE Journal of Environmental Engineering 132(12), 1554-1561.
  31. Mamane, H. and Linden, K.G. (2006) Impact of particle aggregated microbes on UV disinfection. II: Proper absorbance measurement for UV fluence, ASCE Journal of Environmental Engineering 132(6), 607-615.
  32. Mamane, H. and Linden, K.G. (2006) Impact of particle aggregated microbes on UV disinfection. I: Evaluation of spore-clay aggregates and suspended spores, ASCE Journal of Environmental Engineering 132(6), 596-606.
  33. Mamane, H., Ducoste, J.J. and Linden, K.G. (2006) Effect of particles on ultraviolet light penetration in natural and engineered systems, Applied Optics 45(8), 1844-1856.
  34. Mamane-Gravetz, H., Linden, K.G., Cabaj, A. and Sommer, R. (2005) Spectral sensitivity of Bacillus subtilis spores and MS2 Coliphage for validation testing of ultraviolet reactors for water disinfection, Environmental Science and Technology 39, 7845-7852.
  35. Mamane-Gravetz, H. and Linden, K.G. (2005) Relationship between physiochemical properties, aggregation, and u.v. inactivation of isolated indigenous spores in water, Journal of Applied Microbiology 98(2), 351-363.
  36. Mamane-Gravetz, H. and Linden, K.G. (2004) UV disinfection of indigenous aerobic spores: implications for UV reactor validation with unfiltered waters, Water Research 38(12), 2898-2906.


  1. Linden, K.G. and Mamane, H. UV disinfection process concepts and equipment systems, in UV disinfection for wastewater, Water Environment Federation (WEF), 2015 (In press).
  2. Boxman, R.L., Parkansky, N., Mamane, H., Meirovitz, M., Orkabi, Y., Halperin, T., Cohen, D., Orr, N., Gidalevichm E., Alterkop, B. and Cheskis, S. Pulsed submerged arc plasma disinfection of water: Bacteriological results and an exploration of possible Mechanisms, In: Guceri S and Fridman A (eds), Plasma Assisted Decontamination of Biological and Chemical Agents, Book Series: NATO Science for Peace and Security Series A-Chemistry and Biology, Springer, Dordrecht, Netherlands, pages 41-50, 2008.


Review Articles (included in the list of articles published)

  1. Mamane, H. (2008) Impact of particles on UV disinfection of water and wastewater effluents: a review, Reviews in Chemical Engineering 24 (2-3), 67-157.


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