פרופ' ראמי חג'-עלי

סגל אקדמי בכיר בביה"ס להנדסה מכנית
ביה"ס להנדסה מכנית סגל אקדמי בכיר
פרופ' ראמי חג'-עלי
טלפון פנימי: 03-6408207
טלפון נוסף: 03-6407220
פקס: 03-6407617
משרד: וולפסון הנדסה, 210A

תחומי מחקר

מכניקה חישובית, התנהגות לא לינארית של חומרים מרוכבים, מודלים וסימולציות רבי-סקאלות של התנהגות החומר והמבנה. אפיון ומודלים מכנים של רקמות גמישות במערכות ביולוגיות. כשל ונזק של חומרים מרוכבים.

קורות חיים

פרופ' ראמי חג'-עלי, מופקד הקתדרה למכניקה ע"ש נתן קמינגס, הצטרף לפקולטה להנדסה באוניברסיטת תל-אביב ב-2008.  בין השנים 1997-2012 הוא היה פרופסור משנה/חבר/מן המניין באוניברסיטת ג'ורגיה-טיק ארה"ב. תחומי המחקר שלו כוללים מכניקה של חומרים ומבנים מרוכבים, מכניקה חישובית, כשל ומכניקת נזק ושבר,  ביומכניקה של שסתומי לב ומערכות קרדיו-וסקילריות.  פרופ' חג'-עלי פרסם יותר מ-100 מאמרים בג'ורנליים מדעיים מובילים ויותר מ-150 מאמרים בכנסים עולמיים. הוא הנחה יותר מ-40 מסטרנטים ו-18 דוקטורנטים בעבר, שישה מהם מכהנים כחברי סגל ופרופסורים בארה"ב (3), דרום קוריה(1) , וישראל (2) .  ד"ר חג'-עלי זכה במספר פרסים ואותות הוקרה מהן: פרס ע"ש צ'סטר סייס למחקר בעבודת הדוקטורט המצטיינת, אוניברסיטת אלינוי, ארה"ב (1996); פרס הקרן הלאומית למדע ארה"ב (NSF-CAREER, 1999), מלגת קרן מעוף (2009)  ;מלגת מארי קורי מקרן האיחוד האירופי למדענים חוזרים (2009) ; ומופקד הקתדרה למכניקה על שם נתן קמינגס (2016).

 המחקר של פרופ' חג'-עלי זכה למימון ע"י גופים יוקרתיים בינלאומיים כגון: הקרן הלאומית למדע ארה"ב (NSF) המכון הלאומי לבריאות – ארה"ב (NIH) , סוכנות החלל הליאומית (NASA)  ; האיחוד האירופי EU-FP7 ; קרן גרמניה ישראל ; (GIF) משרד המדע הטכנולוגיה והחלל (MOST)  ;תעשיה רפואיות (Edwards), תעשיית מטוסים וחלל (Boeing/Lockheed) , Plasan, מפא"ת, ועוד.  הוא מכהן כראש המעבדה למכניקה של חומרים מרוכבים וקבוצת המחקר שלו כעת מונה 5-דוקטורנטים ו-10 מסטרנטים.

Dr. Rami Haj-Ali is the Nathan Cummings Professor of Mechanics at Tel-Aviv University.  He received his BSc-ME from the Technion, MSc from Tel-Aviv University (TAU), and Ph.D. from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) in 1996.  He was an Assistant, Associate and Full Professor at Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech) from 1997-2010 and from 2008-current as a Full Professor in Mechanical Engineering at Tel-Aviv University.  Dr. Haj-Ali has published over 200 research papers and technical reports, and over 100 refereed archival publications. He was the advisor to more than 40 MSc students and 18 former PhDs (6 of which are current faculty positions in the USA, Korea, and Israel). His research interests include: Nonlinear and damage modeling of composite materials and structures, Micromechanics, Computational Mechanics, Bio-materials, and Biomechanics of Aortic Valves (AVs). His research attracted support from several competitive and industrial sponsors, including the US National Science Foundation (NSF), Israel Ministry of Science (MOST), German-Israel Foundation (GIF), European Union (EU-FP7), NASA, Lockheed Martin, Rafael, Edwards Lifesciences Co., among others. He has won numerous awards, including the Chester P. Siess Award for outstanding PhD and research, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (1997), the National Science Foundation (NSF-USA) CAREER award (1999), the Maof Fellow from PBC-Kahanoff Foundation (2008) and the Marie Curie Fellow from the EU-IRG-FP7 (2009), and the Nathan Cummings Endowed Chair of Mechanics at TAU (2016).  His current research group includes 5 PhDs and 10 MSc students.

תחומי מחקר

Nonlinear and damage modeling of composite materials and structures, Micromechanics, Computational Mechanics, Bio-materials, and Biomechanics of Aortic Valves.


Journal Articles

1.    Fuchs, M. B., and Haj-Ali, R. M., A Family of Homogeneous Analysis Models for the Design of Scalable Structures, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 2, pp. 143-152, 1990.  
2.    Wang, S. S., Srinivasan, S., Hu, H. T., and Haj-Ali, R. M., Effect of Material Nonlinearity on Buckling and Postbuckling of Fiber Composite Laminated Plates and Cylindrical Shells, Composite Structures Journal, Vol. 33, pp. 7-15, 1995.  
3.    Ghaboussi, J., Pecknold, D. A., Zhang, M-F, and Haj-Ali, R. M., Autoprogressive Training of Neural Network Constitutive Models, Int. Journal Numerical Methods Engineering, Vol. 42, pp. 105-126, 1998.  
4.    Dokun, O.D., Jacobs, L. J., and Haj-Ali, R. M., Ultrasonic Monitoring of Material Degradation in FRP Composites, ASCE J. Eng. Mechanics, Vol. 126, No. 7, pp. 704-710, 2000.  
5.    Gullerud, A. S., Xiaosheng, G., Dodds, R. H., Jr., and Haj-Ali, R. M., Simulation of Ductile crack growth using Computational Cells: Numerical Aspects, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol. 66, pp. 65-92, 2000.  
6.    Haj-Ali, R.M., Kurtis, K.E., and Sthapit, A. R., Neural Network Modeling of Concrete Expansion During Long-Term Sulfate Exposure, ACI Materials J., V. 98, No. 1, pp. 36-43, 2001.  
7.    Haj-Ali, R. M., Pecknold, D. A., Ghaboussi, J., and Voyiadjis, G., Z., Simulated Micromechanical Models using Artificial Neural Networks, ASCE J. Eng. Mechanics, Vol. 127, No. 7, pp. 730-738, 2001.  
8.    Haj-Ali, R. M., Kilic, M., and Zureick, A-H, Three-Dimensional Micromechanics-Based Constitutive Framework for Analysis of Pultruded Composite Structures, ASCE J. Eng. Mechanics, Vol. 127, No. 7, pp. 653-660, 2001.  
9.    Haj-Ali, R. M., Kilic, M., Nonlinear Behavior of Pultruded FRP Composites, Composites Part B: Engineering, Volume 33, No. 3, pp. 173-191, 2002.  
10.    Citipitioglu, A. M., Haj-Ali, R. H., and White, D. W., Refined 3D Finite Element Modeling of Partially-Restrained Connections Including Slip,” Journal of Constructional Steel Research (JCSR), Volume 58, Issues 5-8, pp. 995-1013, 2002.  
11.    La Saponara, V., Muliana, H., Haj-Ali, R. M., and Kardomateas, G., A., Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Delamination Growth in Double Cantilever laminated Beams, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol. 69, No. 6, pp. 687-699, 2002.  
12.    Muliana, A. H., Steward, R., Haj-Ali, R. H., and Saxena, A., Artificial Neural Network and Finite Element Modeling of Nano-Indentation Tests, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions - A, Vol. 33A, No. 7, pp. 1939-1947, 2002.  
13.    Haj-Ali, R. M., Kilic, M., Nonlinear Constitutive Models for Pultruded FRP Composites, Journal Mechanics of Materials (MOM), Vol.  35, No. 8, pp. 791-801, 2003.  
14.    Kilic, M., Haj-Ali, R. M., Progressive Damage and Nonlinear Analysis of Composite Structures, Composites Part B: Engineering, Vol. 34, No. 3, pp. 235-250, 2003.  
15.    Haj-Ali, R. M.,El-Hajjar, R. F., Crack Propagation Analysis of Mode-I Fracture in Pultruded Composites using Micromechanical Constitutive Models,  Journal Mechanics of Materials (MOM), Vol. 35, No. 9, pp. 885-902, 2003.  
16.    Kilic, M., Haj-Ali, R. M., Elastic-Degrading Analysis for Pultruded Composite Structures, Composite Structures, Vol. 60, No. 1, pp. 43-55, 2003.  
17.    El-Hajjar, R.F, Haj-Ali, R. M., A Quantitative Thermoelastic Stress Analysis Method for Pultruded Composites, Composite Science and Technology Journal, Vol. 63, No. 7, pp. 967-978, 2003
18.    Haj-Ali, R. M., Muliana, A. H., Micromechanical Models for the Nonlinear Viscoelastic Behavior of Pultruded Composite Materials, International Journal of Solids and Structures, Vol. 40, No. 5, pp. 1037-1057, 2003.  (Impact Factor: 1.68, ISI-Citations=21)
19.    Muliana, A.H. and Haj-Ali, R. M., Nested nonlinear viscoelastic and micromechanical models for the analysis of pultruded composite materials and structures, Mechanics of Materials (MoM) Journal, Vol. 36, No. 11, pp. 1087-1110, 2004.  (Impact Factor: 1.9, ISI-Citations=16)
20.    El-Hajjar, R. F., and Haj-Ali, R. M., Infrared (IR) Thermography for Strain Analysis in Fiber Reinforced Plastics, Experimental Techniques, Society for Experimental Mechanics (SEM), Vol. 28, No. 2, pp. 19-22, 2004.  
21.    Haj-Ali, R. M., Muliana, A. H., Numerical Finite Element Formulation of the Schapery Nonlinear Viscoelastic Material Model, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering (IJNME), Vol. 59, No. 1, pp. 25-45, 2004.  
22.    El-Hajjar, R. F., and Haj-Ali, R. M., In-plane Shear Testing of Thick-Section Pultruded FRP Composites using a Modified Arcan Fixture, Composites Part B: Engineering, Vol.  35, No.  5, pp. 421-428, 2004.  
23.    Haj-Ali, R. M., Muliana, A. H., A multi-scale constitutive formulation for the nonlinear viscoelastic analysis of laminated composite materials and structures, International Journal of Solids and Structures, Vol. 41, No. 13, pp. 3461-3490, 2004.  
24.    El-Hajjar, R. F. and Haj-Ali, R. M., Mode-I Fracture Toughness Testing of Thick Section FRP Composites using the ESE(T) Specimen, Engineering Fracture Mechanics. Vol. 72, No. 4, pp. 631-643, 2005.  
25.    Muliana, A.H. and Haj-Ali, R. M., Multi-scale Modeling for the Long-term Behavior of FRP Composite Structures, AIAA Journal, vol. 43, No. 8, pp. 1815-1822, 2005. 
26.    Muliana, A.H. and Haj-Ali, R. M., Analysis for Creep Behavior and Collapse of Thick-Section Composite Structures, Composite Structures, Vol. 73, No. 3, pp. 331-341, 2006.  
27.    Haj-Ali, R., El-Hajjar, R. F., and Muliana, A. H., Cohesive fracture modeling of crack growth in thick-section composites, Engineering Fracture Mechanics. Vol. 73, No. 15, pp. 2192-2209, 2006.  
28.    Haj-Ali, R. and Muliana, A. H., A Multi-Scale Nonlinear Framework for the Long-Term Behavior of Layered Composite Structures, ASCE, Journal Engineering Mechanics, Vol. 132, Issue 12, pp. 1354-1362, 2006.  
29.    Haj-Ali, R., Kilic, M, and Muliana, A. H., Nested Nonlinear Micromechanical and Structural Models for the Analysis of Thick-Section Composite Materials and Structures, Composites Science and Technology, Vol. 67, Issue 10, pp. 1993-2004, 2007
30.    Haj-Ali, R. M., Kim, H-K, Nonlinear constitutive models for FRP composites using artificial neural networks, Mechanics of Materials (MOM), Vol. 39, No 12, pp. 1035-1042, 2007.  
31.    Haj-Ali, R. M., Wei, B-S, Johnson, S., and El-Hajjar, R.F., Thermoelastic and Infrared-Thermography Methods for Surface Strains in Cracked Orthotropic Composite Materials, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol. 75, No. 1, pp. 58-75, 2008.  
32.    Haj-Ali, R. M., Kim, H-K, Koh, S-W, Saxena A., and Tummala, R., Nonlinear constitutive models from nanoindentation tests using artificial neural networks.  International Journal of Plasticity (IJP), Vol. 24, No. 3, pp. 371-396, 2008.  
33.    Muliana, A. H., and Haj-Ali, R. M., A Multi-scale Framework for Layered Composites with Thermo-rheologically Complex Behaviors, International Journal of Solids and Structures, Vol. 45, No. 10, pp. 2937-2963, 2008.  
34.    Haj-Ali, R.M., Dasi, L. P., Kim, H-S, Choi, J., Leo, H.W., and Yoganathan, A.P., Structural Simulations of Prosthetic Tri-leaflet Aortic Heart Valves, Journal of Biomechanics, Vol. 41, No. 7, pp. 1510-1519, 2008.  
35.    Haj-Ali, R. M., and Muliana, A. H., A micro-to-meso Sublaminate Model for the Viscoelastic Analysis of Multi-layered FRP Composite Structures, Mechanics of Time Dependent Materials, 12, pp. 69-93, 2008.  
36.    Haj-Ali, R.M., Choi, J., Wei, B-S, Popil, R., and Schaepe, M., Refined Nonlinear Finite Element Models for Corrugated Fiberboards, Composite Structures, Composite Structures, Vol. 87, No. 4, pp. 321-333, 2009. 
37.    Haj-Ali, R., and Aboudi, J., “Nonlinear Micromechanical Formulation of the High Fidelity Generalized Method of Cells,” Int. J. Solids and Structures, Volume: 46 (13), pp. 2577-2592, 2009. 
38.    Haj-Ali, R.M., Cohesive micromechanics: A new approach for progressive damage modeling in laminated composites, Int. J. Damage Mechanics, Vol. 18, No. 8, 691-719, 2009. 
39.    Wei, B-S, Johnson, S., and Haj-Ali, R.,” A Stochastic Fatigue Damage Model for Composite Materials Based on Markov Chains and Thermography,” Int. J. Fatigue, Volume 32, Issue 2, Pages 350-360, 2010. 
40.    Choon Hwai Yap, Hee-Sun Kim, Kartik Balachandran, Michael Weiler, Rami Haj-Ali and Ajit P. Yoganathan, " Dynamic deformation characteristics of porcine aortic valve leaflet under normal and hypertensive conditions," Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 298:395-405, 2010. 
41.    Joonho Choi, Heesun Kim and Rami Haj-Ali, "Integrated fire dynamics and thermomechanical modeling framework for steel-concrete composite structures," Steel and Composite Structures, Vol. 10, No. 2, 2010. 
42.    Haj-Ali, R., and Aboudi, J., “Formulation of the high-fidelity generalized method of cells with arbitrary cell geometry for refined micromechanics and damage in composites," Int. J. Solids and Structures, Volume 47, Issues 25-26, pp. 3447-3461, 2010. 
43.    Johnson, S., Wei, B., and Haj-Ali, R., " A stochastic fatigue damage model for composite single lap shear joints based on Markov chains and thermoelastic stress analysis," Journal of Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures, Vol. 33, 897-910, 2010. 
44.    Marom, G., Haj-Ali, R., Raanani, E., Schafers, H-J, and Rosenfeld, M.,” A fluid-structure interaction model of the aortic valve with coaptation and compliant aortic root," Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, 50:173-182, 2012. 
45.    Sasson A., Patchornik, S., Eliasy, R., Robinson, D., and Haj-Ali, R., “Hyperelastic Mechanical Behavior of Chitosan Hydrogels for Nucleus Pulposus Replacement - Experimental Testing and Constitutive Modeling,” Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, Vol. 8, pp. 143-153, 2012. 
46.    Haj-Ali, R., and Aboudi, J.,” Discussion Paper: Has Renaming the High Fidelity Generalized Method of Cells been Justified?” Int. J. Solids and Structures, Vol. 49, Issues 15–16, pp. 2051-2058, 2012. 
47.    Choi, J., Haj-Ali, R., and Kim, H-S,”Integrated fire dynamic and thermo-mechanical modeling of a bridge under fire,” Structural Engineering and Mechanics, Vol. 42, 6, 2012.
48.    Haj-Ali R., Marom G., Ben Zekry S., Rosenfeld M. and Raanani E., “A general three-dimensional parametric geometry of the native aortic valve and root for biomechanical modeling,” J. Biomech., Volume 45(14), pp. 2392–2397, 2012. 
49.    Marom G., Haj-Ali R., Rosenfeld M., Schäfers H.J. and Raanani E. Aortic root numerical model: Correlation between intra-operative effective height and diastolic coaptation.  J. Thorac. Cardiovasc. Surg. Vol 145(1), pp. 303–304, 2013.
50.    Marom, G., Haj-Ali,R., Rosenfeld, M., Schäfers, H-J, and Raanani, E., “Aortic root numerical model: Annulus diameter prediction of effective height and coaptation in post aortic valve repair,” Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery Vol. 145(2), pp. 406-411, 2013.
51.    Haj-Ali, R., and Aboudi, J.,” A New and General Formulation of the Parametric HFGMC Micromechanical Method for Two and Three-Dimensional Multi-Phase Composites” Int. J. Solids and Structures, Vol. 50 (6), pp. 907–919, 2013.
52.    Marom G., Halevi, R., Haj-Ali R., Rosenfeld, M., Schäfers H.J. and Raanani E. Numerical model of the aortic root and valve: Optimization of graft size and sinotubular junction to annulus ratio. The Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, 146(5), 1227-1231, 2013.
53.    Marom, Gil, Kim, Hee-Sun, Rosenfeld, Moshe, Raanani, Ehud, and Haj-Ali, Rami. Fully Coupled Fluid-Structure Interaction Model of Congenital Bicuspid Aortic Valves:  Effect of Asymmetry on Hemodynamics.  Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, 51(8): 839-848, 2013. 
54.    Marom G., Peleg M., Halevi R., Rosenfeld M., Raanani E., Hamdan A. and Haj-Ali R., “Fluid-structure interaction model of aortic valve with porcine-specific collagen fiber alignment in the cusps.” J. Biomech. Eng., 135(10) , 2013.
55.    Shoham N, Sasson AL, Lin FH, Benayahu D, Haj-Ali R, Gefen A.,” The mechanics of hyaluronic acid/adipic acid dihydrazide hydrogel: Towards developing a vessel for delivery of preadipocytes to native tissues.” J Mech Behav Biomed Mater. 22;28C:320-331, 2013.
56.    Haj-Ali, R. and  El-Hajjar, R., An Infrared Thermoelastic Stress Analysis Investigation of Single Lap Shear Joints in Continuous and Woven Carbon-Fiber/Epoxy Composites. Int. J. Adhesion and Adhesives, Vol. 48, Pp. 210-216, 2014. 
57.    Sasson Levi, A., Meshi, I., Mustacchi, S., Amarilio, I., Benes, D., Favorsky, V., Eliasy, R., Aboudi, J., and Haj-Ali, R., “Experimental Determination of Linear and Nonlinear Mechanical Properties of a Soft Laminated Composite Material System”, Composites Part B: Engineering, Vol 57, pp. 96-104, 2014.
58.    Haj-Ali, R., Zemer, H., El-Hajjar, R., and Aboudi, J., Piezoresistive Fiber-Reinforced Composites:  A Coupled Nonlinear Micromechanical-Microelectrical Modeling Approach, Int. J. Solids and Structures, Vol. 51(2), Pp. 491-503, 2014.
59.    Sharabi M., Mandelberg Y., Benayahu D., Benayahu Y., Azem A. and Haj-Ali R., A new class of bio-composite materials of unique collagen fibers. Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials, 36, 71-81, 2014
60.    El-Hajjar, R. and Haj-Ali, R, “An Infrared Thermoelastic Stress Analysis Investigation for Detecting Fiber Waviness in Composite Structures,” Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering, 53: 1251–1258, 2014.
61.    Halevi, R., Hamdan, A., Marom, G., Mega, M., Raanani, E., and Haj-Ali, R.,” Progressive Aortic Valve Calcification: Three-Dimensional Visualization and Biomechanical Analysis,” J. of Biomechanics, Volume 48, Issue 3, pp. 489–497, 2015.
62.    Sharabi M., Benayahu D., Benayahu Y., Issacs J., and Haj-Ali R., Laminated Collagen-based bio-composites for tailor designed soft tissue mimetics. Composites Science and Technology, 117, 268-276, 2015
63.    Mega M, Marom G, Halevi R, Hamdan A, Bluestein D, and Haj-Ali R. Imaging analysis of collagen fiber networks in cusps of porcine aortic valves: effect of their local distribution and alignment on valve functionality. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering. 25, 1-7, 2015.
64.    Aboudi, J. and Haj-Ali, R.M., A fully coupled thermal-electrical-mechanical micromodel for multi-phase periodic thermoelectrical composite materials and devices, Int. J. Solids and Structures, 80, pp. 84–95, 2016.
65.    Haj-Ali, R., Eliasi, R., Fourman, V., Tzur, C., Bar, G., Grossman, E., Verker, R., Gvishi, R., Gouzman, I., and Eliaz, N. Mechanical characterization of aerogel materials with digital image correlation. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 226, 44-52, 2016.
66.    Levi-Sassona, A., Aboudi, J., Matzenmiller, A., and Haj-Ali, R. Failure Envelopes for Laminated Composites by the Parametric HFGMC Micromechanical Framework.  Composite Structures. Vol. 140:15,pp. 378–389, 2016.
67.    Halevi, R., Hamdan, A., Marom, G., Lavon, K., Ben‑Zekry, S., Raanani, E., Bluestein, D., and Haj-Ali, R., Fluid–structure interaction modeling of calcific aortic valve disease using patient‑specific three‑dimensional calcification scans, Med. Biol. Eng. Comput., pp 1-12, 2016.
68.    Haj-Ali, R., and Aboudi, J.,” Integrated Microplane Model with the HFGMC Micromechanics for Nonlinear Analysis of Composite Materials with Evolving Damage” Int. J. Solids and Structures, Vol 90, pp. 129–143, 2016.
69.    Meshi, I., Amarilio, I., Benes, D., and Haj-Ali, R., "Delamination behavior of UHMWPE soft layered composites," Composites-B Eng., 98, pp. 166-175, 2016.
70.    Sharabi M., Varssano D., Eliasy R., Benayahu Y., Benayahu D., and Haj-Ali R., Mechanical flexure behavior of bio-inspired collagen-reinforced thin composites, Composite Structures, 153, 392-400, 2016.
71.    Haj-Ali, R., Massarwa, E., Aboudi, J., Galbusera, F., Wolfram, U., and Wilke, H-J, “A New Multiscale Micromechanical Model of Vertebral Trabecular Bones ,” Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology, Vol. 16 (3), pp. 933–946, 2017.
72.    Eyass Massarwa, Jacob Aboudi, Fabio Galbusera, Hans-Joachim Wilke, and Rami Haj-Ali, “A nonlinear micromechanical model for progressive damage of vertebral trabecular bones,” Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures, Vol. 12 No. 4, pp. 407-424, 2017.
73.    Lavon, K., Halevi, R., Marom, G., Ben Zekry, S., Hamdan, A., Schäfers, H-J,  Raanani, E., and Haj-Ali, R.,” Fluid-Structure Interaction Models of Bicuspid Aortic Valves: The Effects of Non-Fused Cusp Angles,” J Biomech Eng 140(3), 2018. doi: 10.1115/1.4038329.
74.    Eyass Massarwa, Jacob Aboudi, and Rami Haj-Ali, “A Multiscale Progressive Damage Analysis for Laminated Composite Structures using the Parametric HFGMC Micromechanics,” Journal of Composite Structures, Vol. 188, pp. 159-172, 2018.
75.    Benayahu D., Sharabi M., Pomeraniec L., Awad L. Haj-Ali R. and Benayahu Y., Unique collagen fibers for biomedical applications. Marine drugs Journal, 16(4), 102, 2018. 
76.    Uri Breiman, Jacob Aboudi, Rami Haj-Ali, “Semi-analytical compressive strength criteria for unidirectional composites,” Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, Vol. 37(4) 238–246, 2018.
77.    Rotem Halevi, Ashraf Hamdan, Gil Marom, Karin Lavon, Sagit Ben-Zekry, Ehud Raanani and Rami Haj-Ali, A New Growth Model for Aortic Valve Calcification,” ASME Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, Vol. 140, 2018.  DOI: 10.1115/1.4040338
78.    Sharabi M., Wade K. R., Galbusera F., Rasche V., Haj-Ali R. and Wilke H-J. Three- dimensional microstructural reconstruction of the intervertebral disc using ultra-high field MRI. The spine journal, 18 (11),2119-2127, 2018.
79.    Sharabi, M., S. Wertheimer, K. R. Wade, F. Galbusera, D. Benayahu, H.-J. Wilke and R. Haj-Ali (2019). "Towards intervertebral disc engineering: Bio-mimetics of form and function of the annulus fibrosus lamellae." Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials 94: 298-307.
80.    Haj-Ali, R., R. Wolfson and Y. Masharawi (2019). "A patient specific computational biomechanical model for the entire lumbosacral spinal unit with imposed spondylolysis." Clinical Biomechanics 68: 37-44.
81.    Ingram, E., O. Golan, R. Haj-Ali and N. Eliaz (2019). "The Effect of Localized Vibration during Welding on the Microstructure and Mechanical Behavior of Steel Welds." Materials 12(16).
82.    Lavon, K., G. Marom, M. Bianchi, R. Halevi, A. Hamdan, A. Morany, E. Raanani, D. Bluestein and R. Haj-Ali (2019). "Biomechanical modeling of transcatheter aortic valve replacement in a stenotic bicuspid aortic valve: deployments and paravalvular leakage." Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing 57(10): 2129-2143.
83.    Mirit Sharabi, Aviad Levi-Sasson, Roza Wolfson, Kelly R. Wade, Fabio Galbusera, Dafna Benayahu, Hans-Joachim Wilke, Rami Haj-Ali (2019). "The Mechanical Role of the Radial Fibers Network Within the Annulus Fibrosus of the Lumbar Intervertebral Disc: A Finite Elements Study (vol 14, 021006, 2018)." Journal of biomechanical engineering. 141(4).
84.    Massarwa, E., J. Aboudi and R. Haj-Ali (2019). "A multiscale modeling for failure predictions of fiber reinforced composite laminates." Composites Part B: Engineering 175: 107166.
85.    Meshi, I., A. Levi-Sasson, U. Breiman and R. Haj-Ali (2020). "The parametric HFGMC micromechanical model for soft UHMWPE laminated composites." Mechanics of Materials 141: 103223.
86.    Breiman, Uri; Meshi, Ido; Aboudi, Jacob; Haj-Ali, Rami (2020) “Finite strain parametric HFGMC micromechanics of soft tissues,” Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology, 10.1007/s10237-020-01348-x
87.    Morany, Adi; Lavon, Karin; Bluestein, Danny; Hamdan, Ashraf; Haj-Ali, Rami (2020) “Structural Responses of Integrated Parametric Aortic Valve in an Electro-Mechanical Full Heart Model, Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 10.1007/s10439-020-02575-0
88.    Shelah, Ortal; Wertheimer, Shir; Haj-Ali, Rami; Lesman, Ayelet (2020), “Coral-Derived Collagen Fibers for Engineering Aligned Tissues,” TISSUE ENGINEERING PART A, 10.1089/ten.tea.2020.0116
89.    Svetlizky, David; Zheng, Baolong; Buta, Tali; Zhou, Yizhang; Golan, Oz; Breiman, Uri; Haj-Ali, Rami; Schoenung, Julie M.; Lavernia, Enrique J.; Eliaz, Noam, “Directed energy deposition of Al 5xxx alloy using Laser Engineered Net Shaping (LENS (R)),” MATERIALS & DESIGN, 10.1016/j.matdes.2020.108763
90.    Meshi I, Breiman U, Aboudi J, Haj-Ali R. The cohesive parametric high-fidelity-generalized-method-of-cells micromechanical model. International Journal of Solids and Structures. 2020;206:183-97.
91.    Massarwa E, Aronis Ze, Eliasy R, Einav S, Haj-Ali R. Nonlinear multiscale analysis of coronary atherosclerotic vulnerable plaque artery: fluid-structural modeling with micromechanics. Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology. 2021. doi.org/10.1007/s10237-021-01483-z
92.    Chricker R, Mustacchi S, Massarwa E, Eliasi R, Aboudi J, Haj-Ali R. Ballistic Penetration Analysis of Soft Laminated Composites Using Sublaminate Mesoscale Modeling. Journal of Composites Science. 2021;5(1):21.
93.    Wertheimer S, Sharabi M, Shelah O, Lesman A, Haj-Ali R. Bio-composites reinforced with unique coral collagen fibers: Towards biomimetic-based small diameter vascular grafts. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials. 2021;119:104526.
94.    Lavon K, Morany A, Halevi R, Hamdan A, Raanani E, Bluestein D, Haj-Ali R. Progressive Calcification in Bicuspid Valves: A Coupled Hemodynamics and Multiscale Structural Computations. Ann Biomed Eng. 2021 Dec;49(12):3310-3322. doi: 10.1007/s10439-021-02877-x. Epub 2021 Oct 27. PMID: 34708308. 
95.    Anam SB, Kovarovic BJ, Ghosh RP, Bianchi M, Hamdan A, Haj-Ali R, et al. Assessment of Paravalvular Leak Severity and Thrombogenic Potential in Transcatheter Bicuspid Aortic Valve Replacements Using Patient-Specific Computational Modeling. Journal of Cardiovascular Translational Research. 2022;15:834-44.
96.    Anam SB, Kovarovic BJ, Ghosh RP, Bianchi M, Hamdan A, Haj-Ali R, et al. Validating In Silico and In Vitro Patient-Specific Structural and Flow Models with Transcatheter Bicuspid Aortic Valve Replacement Procedure. Cardiovascular Engineering and Technology. 2022;13:840-56.
97.    Reza S, Bianchi M, Kovarovic B, Anam S, Slepian MJ, Hamdan A, Haj-Ali R, Bluestein D. A computational framework for post-TAVR cardiac conduction abnormality (CCA) risk assessment in patient-specific anatomy. Artif Organs. 2022 Jan 26. doi: 10.1111/aor.14189. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35083748.
98.    Karnibad M, Sharabi M, Lavon K, Morany A, Hamdan A, Haj-Ali R. The effect of the fibrocalcific pathological process on aortic valve stenosis in female patients: a finite element study. Biomedical Physics & Engineering Express. 2022;8:025017.
99.    Breiman U, Meshi I, Aboudi J, Haj-Ali R. Finite strain PHFGMC micromechanics with damage and failure. Acta Mechanica. 2022;233:2615-51.
100.    Helbock RT, Anam SB, Kovarovic BJ, Slepian MJ, Hamdan A, Haj-Ali R, et al. Designing a Novel Asymmetric Transcatheter Aortic Valve for Stenotic Bicuspid Aortic Valves Using Patient-Specific Computational Modeling. Annals of Biomedical Engineering. 2023;51:58-70.
101.    Morany A, Lavon K, Halevi R, Haj-Ali N, Bluestein D, Raanani E, et al. Fragmentation of Different Calcification Growth Patterns in Bicuspid Valves During Balloon Valvuloplasty Procedure. Annals of Biomedical Engineering. 2023;51:1014-27.
102.    Morany A, Lavon K, Gomez Bardon R, Kovarovic B, Hamdan A, Bluestein D, et al. Fluid–structure interaction modeling of compliant aortic valves using the lattice Boltzmann CFD and FEM methods. Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology. 2023;22:837-50.
103.    Hochster H, Bernikov Y, Meshi I, Lin S, Ranatunga V, Waas AM, et al. Refined nonlinear micromechanical models using artificial neural networks for multiscale analysis of laminated composites subject to low-velocity impact. International Journal of Solids and Structures. 2023;264:112123
104.    Meshi I, Breiman U, Haj-Ali R. The Parametric High-Fidelity-Generalized-Method-of-Cells with phase-field damage micromechanical model for heterogeneous composites. Composite Structures. 2023;320:117199.

Chapters in Books

  1. Haj-Ali, R., Nested Nonlinear Multi-Scale Frameworks for the Analysis of Thick-Section Composite Materials and Structures, in Multiscale Modeling and Simulation of Composite Materials and Structures, Eds.  Kwon, Y. W., Allen, D.H., and Talreja, R., Springer Pub., ISBN 978-0-387-36318-938, pp. 332-371, 2008.
  2. Marom G., Haj-Ali R., Rosenfeld M., Schäfers H.J. and Raanani E. (2012) Root and valve geometry – computer simulation results. Current Treatment of Aortic Regurgitation, edited by Schäfers H.J.
  3. Haj-Ali, R., and Aboudi, J., The Parametric HFGMC Micromechanics.  In:  Micromechanics and Nanomechanics of Composite Solids, Eds. Shaker Meguid and George Weng, Springer Verlag, DOI 978-3-319-52794-9_14, 2017.
  4. Marom G., Lavon K., Haj-Ali R., Raanani E. "Optimizing aortic valve repair techniques with computational models", to be published in T. Kunihara, S. Takanashi (Editors), Aortic valve preservation - concepts and approaches, Springer Japan, 2017.
  5. Sharabi M. Wilke H-J. and Haj-Ali R., Chapter 5: Vertebral bone. In: Biomechanics of the Spine. pp. 71-87, Editors Hans-Joachim Wilke and Fabio Galbusera, Elsevier (2018), https://doi.org/10.1016/C2016-0-04439-X.
  6. Sharabi M. Wade K. R. and Haj-Ali R., Chapter 7: The role of collagen fibers. In: Biomechanics of the Spine. pp. 105-123, Editors Hans-Joachim Wilke and Fabio Galbusera, Elsvier. (2018), https://doi.org/10.1016/C2016-0-04439   

Select Conference  (*) Invited

1.    Haj-Ali, R. M., “A Nested Micromechanical Model for Progressive Damage Analysis of Laminated Composite Structures,” 36th Annual Technical Meeting of SES, University of Texas at Austin, October 25-27, Austin, Texas, 1999. (*)
2.    Kilic, H., Haj-Ali, R., ”A Nonlinear 3D Micromechanical and Structural Framework for Analysis of  Pultruded Composite Structures”, Symposium on Inelastic and Viscoelastic Effects in Composite Materials at SES 2000, 37th Annual Meeting of Society of Engineering Science, Columbia, SC, October 23-25, 2000. (*)    
3.    Muliana, A. H., Steward, R., Haj-Ali, R. H., and Saxena, A., ”Neural Network and Finite Element Modeling of Nano-Indentation Tests,” ASME/ASCE/SES, 2001 Mechanics and Materials Summer Conference (MMC2001), San Diego, CA, June 27-29, 2001. (*)
4.    Haj-Ali, R. H., Hakan, K., Muliana, A. H., 2001, ”Three-Dimensional Micromechanics-Based Modeling of Pultruded Composites,” ASME/ASCE/SES, 2001 Mechanics and Materials Summer Conference (MMC2001), San Diego, CA, June 27-29, 2001. (*)
5.    Citipitioglu, A., Haj-Ali, R., White, D. W., “Detailed 3D Finite Element Modeling of Semirigid Steel Beam to Column Connections,” First M.I.T. Conference on Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics, Cambridge, MA, June 12-15, 2001.
6.    Haj-Ali, R. M., Muliana, A. H., “Micromechanical Models for the Nonlinear Viscoelastic Behavior of Pultruded Composites,” 14th U.S. National Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (14th USNCTAM), Blacksburg, Virginia, June 23-28, 2002. (*)
7.    El-Hajjar, R. F., and Haj-Ali, R. M., “Mode-I Fracture in Pultruded Composites,” 14th U.S. National Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (14th USNCTAM), Blacksburg, Virginia, June 23-28, 2002. (*)
8.    Haj-Ali, R., Kilic, H., "A Nonlinear Constitutive Framework for Pultruded Composites,” Ninth International Conference on Composites Engineering ICCE/9, ed. D. Hui, San Diego, CA., July 1-7, 2002. (*)
9.    Haj-Ali, R. M., Saxena, A., “Finite Elements and Artificial Neural Networks Models for Nanoindentation Tests”, Georgia Tech/MTS Workshop on Nanoindentation and Novel Mechanical Test Techniques, May 16, Atlanta, GA, 2002. (*)
10.    Fracture Behavior of FRP Pultruded Composites,” ASTM Committee E08 on Fatigue and Fracture, Kansas City, MO, May 2003. (*)
11.    Muliana, A. H., and Haj-Ali, R. M., ”Nonlinear Viscoelastic Micromechanical Models for the Analysis of Pultruded Composites,” Proceedings of Tenth International Conference on Composites/Nano Engineering (ICCE-10), New Orleans, LA, July 20-26, 2003. (*)
12.    Muliana, A. H., and Haj-Ali, R. M., ”A Micromechanical Model for the Nonlinear Viscoelastic Behavior of Laminated Composites,” Proceedings of the 16th ASCE Engineering Mechanics Conference (EM2003), Seattle, Washington, July, 2003. (*)
13.    Kilic, H. and Haj-Ali, R., “Nonlinear Elastic-Degrading Models for the Analysis of Pultruded Composites,” SAMPE 2003 (48th ISSE), May 11-15, 2003, Long Beach, CA, pp. 1036-1048.
14.    Haj-Ali, R. and Kim, H.K. "Nonlinear Constitutive Modeling of FRP Composites Using Artificial Neural Networks," ASC/ASTM-D30 Joint 19th Annual Technical Conference, Atlanta, GA, USA, Oct. 2004. (*)
15.    Kim, H.K., Johnson, S., El-Hajjar, R., and Haj-Ali, R. "Infrared Thermography for Fatigue Damage Detection in Thick-Section FRP Composites," The 2nd International Conference on ICSCS, Seoul, Korea, Sept. 2004. (*)
16.    Kim, H.K. and Haj-Ali, R. "A Nonlinear Artificial Neural Network Material Model for Thick-Section FRP Composites," The 2nd International Conference on ICSCS, Seoul, Korea, Sept. 2004. (*)
17.    Johnson, S., Kim, H.K., El-Hajjar, R., and Haj-Ali, R. "An IR Technique for Damage Characterization in Thick-Section Composites," Annual Conference of Society for Experimental Mechanics, Costa Mesa, CA, USA, June 2004. (*)
18.    Joonho Choi and Rami Haj-Ali, “Refined Modeling of Structural Response under Fire”, The second International Conference on Steel & Composite Structures, Seoul, Korea, 2004. (*)
19.    Muliana, A. H. and Haj-Ali, R. M., ”A Nonlinear Sublaminate Model for the Viscoelastic Analysis of Multi-layered FRP Composite Structures,” Proceedings of the American Society of Composite, ASC/ASTM-D30 Joint 19th Annual Technical Conference, Atlanta, GA, October 17-20, 2004. (*)
20.    Haj-Ali, R. M. and Muliana, A. H., “Nonlinear Multi-scale Viscoelastic Analysis of Sandwich Composites,” 22nd Southeastern Conference on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (SECTAM XXII), Tuskegee, AL, August 15-17, 2004. (*)
21.    Muliana, A. H., and Haj-Ali, R. M., ”Integrated Micromechanical-Structural Models for Long-term Behavior of FRP Composite Structures,” Proceedings of the 45th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference, Palm Spring, CA, April 19-22, 2004. (*)
22.    Muliana, A. H. and Haj-Ali, R. M., “A Multi-scale Nonlinear Viscoelastic Framework for Layered Composite Materials and Structures,” 41st Annual Technical Meeting for the Society of Engineering Science, Lincoln, NE, October 10-13, 2004.
23.    Muliana, A.H., and Haj-Ali, R. M., “Nonlinear Viscoelastic Analysis of Sandwich Composites,” McMat2005, ASME/ASCE/SES Mechanics and Materials Conference at LSU, Baton Rouge, June 1-3, 2005. (*)
24.    Muliana, A. H., and Haj-Ali, R. M., ”A Sublaminate Model for Creep Buckling Analysis of Thick-Section FRP Composite Structures,” Proceedings of the 46th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference, Austin, TX, April 19-22, 2005. (*)
25.    Muliana, A. H., and Haj-Ali, R. M., ”Time-temperature Behavior and Collapse of Thick-section Composite Structures,” International Conference for Structural Stability and Dynamic (ICSSD), Orlando, FL, June 19-22, 2005.
26.    Muliana, A. H., La Saponara, V., and Haj-Ali, R., “Nonlinear Viscoelastic Analysis of Sandwich Composites,” Joint ASME/ASCE/SES Conference on Mechanics and Materials (McMat), Baton Rouge, LA, June 1-3, 2005. (*)
27.    Kilic, H. and Haj-Ali, R., “Nested Nonlinear 3D Micromechanical and Structural Models for the Analysis of Thick-Section FRP Composites used in Civil Infrastructures,” the 7th International Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering, ACE 2006, Istanbul, Turkey, October 11-13, 2006. (*)
28.    Haj-Ali, R. and Muliana, A., ”Stress Correction Algorithms for the Nonlinear Viscoelastic Behaviors of Layered Composites,” the 7th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM VII) Conference, Los Angeles, LA, July, 16-22, 2006. (*)
29.    Kim, H.K., Haj-Ali, R., and Muliana, A. "Nanoindentation Simulations and Material Identifications using Artificial Neural Networks," The 7th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM-7), Hyatt Regency Century Plaza Hotel, Los Angeles, CA, July 2006. (*)
30.    Johnson, S., Kim, H.K., Wei, B.S., and Haj-Ali, R. "Infrared Thermography for Damage and Fatigue of Thick-Section FRP Composites," Fatigue 2006 9th International Fatigue Congress, Atlanta, GA, USA, May 2006. (*)
31.    Muliana, A. H. and Haj-Ali, R. M., ”A Multi-scale Framework for the Thermo-rheologically Complex Multi-layered Composites,” 15th US National Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (USNCTAM 06), Boulder, CO, June 25-30, 2006. (*)
32.    Popil, R., Schaepe, M. K., Haj-Ali, R., Wei, B-S, and Choi, J., "Adhesive level effect on corrugated board strength – experiment and FE modeling", International Progress in Paper Physics Conference (PPP2006), Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, 2006.
33.    Haj-Ali, R., Joonho Choi, Hee-Sun Kim, Lakshmi Prasad Dasi, Helene Simon, and Ajit Yoganathan, “Multi-Scale Structural Simulations of Artificial and Natural Aortic Heart Valves”, The 10th Annual Hilton Head Workshop and 2nd Biennial Heart Valve Meeting, Hilton Head, SC., 2006.
34.    Wei, B.S., Johnson, S. and Haj-Ali, R., “Applied Markov Chain Models to Experimental Fatigue and Computational Damage of Composite materials and Structures,” 7th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM-7), Los Angeles, California, 2006. (*)
35.    Haj-Ali, R., Wei, B.S., Johnson S. and El-Hajjar, R., “Mixed-Mode Stress Intensity Factors in Composite Materials using Quantitative Thermoelasticity,” 14th International Conference on Composites/Nano Engineering (ICCE-14), Boulder, Colorado, 2006. (*)
36.    Kim, H.K., and Haj-Ali, R., "Nonlinear FRP Constitutive Models using Artificial Neural Networks and their Integration in FE Analysis of Composite Structures," 18th ASCE Engineering Mechanics Division Conference, Blacksburg, VA, June 2007. (*)
37.     Choi, J., Kim, H-S, and Haj-Ali, R. “Sequentially Integrated CFD Fire-Dynamics and FE Structural Simulations for the Thermomechanical Analysis of Steel and Concrete Structures under Fire”, 18th Eng. Mechanics Division Conference, Blacksburg, VA, June 2007. (*)
38.    Kim, H-S, Choi, J., and Haj-Ali, R., “Computational Models for the Thermomechanical Response of Reinforced Concrete and FRP Structures at Elevated Temperatures”, 18th Engineering Mechanics Division Conference, Blacksburg, VA, June 2007. (*)
39.    Choi, J., Wei, B-S, Popil, R., and Haj-Ali, R., “Nonlinear Material and Structural Models for Corrugated Fiberboards and Box Containers”, 18th Engineering Mechanics Division Conference, Blacksburg, VA, June 2007. (*)
40.    Kim, H-S., Choi, J., Rami M. Haj-Ali, R.,  Dasi, L. P., and Yoganathan, A. P. “Structural Simulations of Polymeric Tri-leaflet Aortic Heart Valves”, 18th Engineering Mechanics Division Conference, Blacksburg, VA, June 2007. (*)
41.    Wei, B.S., Johnson, S. and Haj-Ali, R., “A Non-Stationary Markov Chain Model for Fatigue Prediction in Composites Using Thermoelasticity and Thermography Techniques”, 18th Engineering Mechanics Division Conference of the American Society of Civil Engineering (ASCE), Blacksburg, Virginia, June 2007. (*)
42.    Muliana, A. H., Sawant, S., and Haj-Ali, R. M., “A Homogenization Method For Composites With Viscoelastic Constituents,” the Mechancis of Materials (McMAT), ASME applied Mechanics and Materials Conference, Austin, TX, June 3-7, 2007.
43.    El-Hajjar, R., Wei, B.S., Johnson, S., and Haj-Ali, R., “Quantitative Infra-red Thermoelastic Strain Analysis Methods for Notched”, 22nd Annual Technical Conference of the American Society for Composites (ASC), Seattle, Washington, USA, September, 2007. (*)
44.    Sourabh Sawant, Anastasia Muliana, Rami Haj-Ali, “A Multi-Scale Study for Thermo-Viscoelastic Analysis of Fiber Metal Laminates”, 8th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM8) and 5th EU Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Eng. (ECCOMAS2008), Venice, Italy 2008. (*)
45.    Marom G., Haj-Ali R., Rosenfeld M., Raanani E. and Schaefers H. J. (2010) An FSI study of aortic valve sparing procedures on coaptation and durability. BMES Annual Meeting 2010 (BMES2010). Austin, TX, USA, October 6-9, 2010.
46.    Marom G., Kim H.S., Rosenfeld M., Raanani E. and Haj-Ali R. (2011) A fluid-structure interaction model of the aortic valve with coaptation and compliant aortic tissue. The 31th Israel Symposium on Computational Mechanics (ISCM31). Beer-Sheva, Israel, Oct., 2011.
47.    Raanani E., Marom G., Haj-Ali R., Rosenfeld M. and Schäfers H.J. (2011) Aortic root numerical model: operative effective height predicts AV repair coaptation area. The 58th Annual Conference of the IHS in association with the ISCS. Tel Aviv, Israel, May 4-5, 2011.
48.    Marom G., Haj-Ali R., Rosenfeld M., Schäfers H.J. and Raanani E. (2012) Aortic root numerical model: influence of cusp size and aortic valve annulus on valve function. AATS Aortic Symposium 2012. New York, NY, USA, April 26-27, 2012.
49.    Marom G., Kim H.S., Rosenfeld M., Raanani E. and Haj-Ali R. (2012) A fluid structure interaction model of physiologic porcine aortic valve under full cardiac cycle. Computational Fluid Dynamics in Medicine and Biology, The 7th International Biofluid Mechanics Symposium, Ein Bokek, Dead Sea, Israel, March 25-30, 2012.
50.    Levi-Sasson, A., Haj-Ali, R., Matzenmiller, A. and Aboudi, J., Failure Prediction of Unidirectional Fiber Composites using the Parametric HFGMC Micromechanical Method, The 37th  Israel Symposium on Computational Mechanics, Oct. 23, Tel Aviv, Israel, 2014.
51.    Levi-Sasson, A., Aboudi, J., Matzenmiller, A. and Haj-Ali, R., Using the HFGMC Method for Failure Prediction of Unidirectional Fiber Reinforce Composites and Generation of Failure Envelopes, ICME-33 – The Israeli Conference of Mechanical Engineering, March 2-3, Tel-Aviv, Israel, 2015.
52.    Levi-Sasson, A., Aboudi, J., Matzenmiller, A. and Haj-Ali, R., Failure Envelopes for Unidirectional Composites Generated by the HFGMC Micromechanical Method, ICCS18, the 18th Int. Conference on Composite Structures, June, 15-18, Lisbon, Portugal, 2015.
53.    Sharabi M., Benayahu D., Benayahu Y., and Haj-Ali R.  A new class of bio-composite materials with soft-coral long collagen fibers.  The Israel Society for Medical and Biological Engineering conference (ISMBE2015) Haifa, Israel, 2015. 
54.    Sharabi M., Benayahu D., Benayahu Y., and Haj-Ali R.  A new class of bio-composite materials with soft-coral long collagen fibers.  Nanocomposites & Biocomposites (COMPO2014) Rehovot, Israel, 2015. 
55.    Lavon K., Halevi R., Marom G., Ben Zekry S., Raanani E., Haj-Ali R. "A New Parametric Biomechanical Model for Bicuspid Aortic Valves". The Israel Society for Medical and Biological Engineering (ISMBE), Haifa, Israel, February 26, 2015
56.    Lavon K., Halevi R., Marom G., Ben Zekry S., Raanani E., Haj-Ali R. "A New Parametric Biomechanical Model for Bicuspid Aortic Valves". The 62th Annual conference of the Israel Heart Society in association with the Israel Society of Cardiothoracic Surgery. Tel Aviv, Israel, April 13-14, 2015
57.    Sharabi, Mirit, Haj-Ali, Rami, Benayahu, Dafna, and Benayahu, Yehuda, "Collagen fiber bio-composite laminates and constructs,” 2nd International Conference on Mechanics of Composites, University of Porto, Portugal, 11-14 July 2016.
58.    Sharabi M., Benayahu D., and Haj-Ali R.  Novel biocomposite materials and constructs based on unique collagen fibers for soft tissue bio-mimetics. MOST Conference, Tel-Aviv, Israel, 2016
59.    Sharabi M., Awad L., Benayahu Y., Haj-Ali R. and Benayahu D., A bio-composite based on long collagen fibers scaffold for mimicking intervertebral disc structure, Israel Society of Skeletal Biology and Medicine (ISSBM), Tel-Aviv, Israel, 2016.
60.    Sharabi M., Haj-Ali R., Non-Destructive Piezo-resistive Testing Devices for Self-Health Damage Monitoring of Composite Structures, Industrial Affiliates Program (IAP 2016), Tel-Aviv, Israel, 2016.
61.    Eyass Massarwa, Jacob Aboudi, Fabio Galbusera, Hans-Joachim Wilke and Rami Haj-Ali, "A New Multiscale Micromechanical Model of Vertebral Trabecular Bones". The 14th International Symposium on Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, Tel-Aviv, Israel, 2016 
62.    Lavon K., Halevi R., Marom G., Ben Zekry S., Raanani E. and Haj-Ali R. "Fluid-structure interaction bio-mechanical models of bicuspid aortic valves". The 14th International Symposium on Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering 2016 (CMBBE2016). Tel Aviv, Israel, September 20-22, 2016
63.    Lavon K., Halevi R., Marom G., Ben Zekry S., Raanani E. and Haj-Ali R. "Fluid-structure interaction bio-mechanical models of bicuspid aortic valves". SIMULIA (Abaqus) User's workshop: Advanced Biomedical Modeling - From Image to Simulation, Tel Aviv, Israel, September 26, 2016
64.    Eyass Massarwa, Jacob Aboudi, and Rami Haj-Ali, "A Multiscale Damage Analysis of Notched and Unnotched Laminates Using the Parametric HFGMC Micromechanical Method". 3rd International Conference on Mechanics of Composites, Padua, Italy, July 2017. 
65.    Eyass Massarwa, Jacob Aboudi, Fabio Galbusera, Hans-Joachim Wilke and Rami Haj-Ali, "A Nonlinear Micromechanical Model with Evolving Damage of Bone and Foam-like Materials". 20th International Conference on Composite Structures, Paris, France, September 3-7, 2017.
66.    Eyass Massarwa, Uri Breiman, Jacob Aboudi, and Rami Haj-Ali, "A Multiscale Progressive Damage Analysis for Laminated Composite Structures using the Parametric HFGMC Micromechanics". 32nd ASC Technical Conference, Purdue, IN, USA, October 22-23, 2017.
67.    Marom G., Lavon K., Bianchi M., Halevi R., Hamdan A., Raanani E., Haj-Ali R., Bluestein D. "Predicting Calcific Aortic Valve Disease Progression and its Effect on Transcatheter Aortic Valve Deployment in Bicuspid Aortic Valves". Summer Biomechanics, Bioengineering and Biotransport Conference (SB³C2017), Tuscon, AZ, USA, June 21 -24, 2017.
68.    Breiman, U., Massarwa E., Aboudi J., and Haj-Ali R., “Two Modified Compressive Strength Criteria for Unidirectional”. The American Society for Composites 32nd Technical Conference. Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA, October 23-25, 2017
69.    Mann A., Koren Y., Sopher R., Sharabi M. and Lesman A. Computational modeling of cell-matrix and cell-cell interactions. Frontiers in single molecule biophysics meeting 2017, Neve Ilan hotel, Israel, 2017
70.    Sharabi M., Wertheimer S., Shelah O., Haj-Ali R. and Lesman A., Bio-composites Based on Coral Collagen Fibers for Tissue Engineering, Israel Society for Medical and Biological Engineering (ISMBE 2018), Haifa, Israel, 2018.
71.    Sopher R. S., Tokash H., Sharabi M., Tchaicheeyan O., and Lesman A., Nonlinear Elasticity of Biological Fibrous Networks Facilitates Efficient Inter-Cellular Mechanical Signaling, Israel Society for Medical and Biological Engineering (ISMBE 2018), Haifa, Israel, 2018.
72.    Wertheimer S. and Haj-Ali R., “Bioinspired Composites Based on Unique Coral Collagen Fibers: Tissue Extracellular Matrix Engineering Towards Vascular Graft”. 5th International Bio-inspiration & 2nd International Optics N.I.C.E. 2020 
73.    Wertheimer S., Sharabi M., and Haj-Ali R., “Bioinspired Composites Based on Unique Coral Collagen Fibers: Towards Vascular Graft”.  17th International Symposium on Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering (CMBBE 2021) 
74.    Morany A., Lavon K., and Haj-Ali R. "Numerical Analysis of Healthy, Diseased, and Prosthetic Aortic Valve within the LHHM", Virtual Physiological Human (Online), Paris, France, August 24-28, 2020.
75.    Morany A., Lavon K., and Haj-Ali R."Numerical Analysis of Healthy, Diseased, and Prosthetic Aortic Valve within the LHHM", The 6 th International Symposium on the Living Heart and Virtual Twin for Humans (Online), December 08-09, 2020.
76.    Meshi, U. Breiman and R. Haj-Ali, The Parametric High-Fidelity-Generalized-Method-of-Cells (PHFGMC) Micromechanical Model for Compression Failure of FRP Composites, in: WCCM-ECCOMAS2020.

OTHER PUBLICATIONS (Encyclopedias; Letter to Editors, Standards, Patents)
1.  Special issue of Journal of Engineering Mechanics - ASCE: Multiscale modeling of damage and material characterization with microstructure, Ed. Voyiadjis GZ, Pijiaudier-Cabot G, Haj-Ali RM, and Sture S, 127 (7): 635-635, July 2001.
2.  Revision of ASTM Standard E-1922-2004 Based on Published Research work on fracture in composites, Haj-Ali and El-Hajjar (2003)
3.  Haj-Ali R., Benayahu Y., Benayahu D., Sason-Levi A., Sharabi M. Composites comprising collagen extracted from sarcophyton sp. Coral US9821089B2, US Grant (2017)
4.  Haj-Ali R., Benayahu Y., Benayahu D., Sason-Levi A., Sharabi M. Composites comprising collagen extracted from sarcophyton sp. Coral EP2812039B1, EP Grant (2018)