יוסי בוקצ'ין הינו פרופסור במחלקה להנדסת תעשייה באוניברסיטת תל אביב
פרופ' יוסף בוקצין
סגל אקדמי בכיר במחלקה להנדסת תעשיה
מחלקה להנדסת תעשיה
סגל אקדמי בכיר

מידע כללי
ביוגרפיה מקוצרת
יוסי בוקצ'ין הינו פרופסור במחלקה להנדסת תעשייה באוניברסיטת תל אביב. הוא קיבל את שלושת תאריו מהטכניון שבחיפה. פרופ' בוקצ'ין משמש כעורך בכתב העת IISE Transactions, וחבר באגודת IISE. הוא שימש בחבר באגודת College-Industry Council on Material Handling Education. פרופ' בוקצ'ין החזיק במשרת מרצה אורח במחלקה להנדסת תעשייה באוניברסיטת Virginia Tech. מאמריו פורסמו במגוון כתבי עת, כגון: IIE Transactions, Operation Research, M&SOM, EJOR, IJPR, Annals of the CIRP.
תחומי מחקר
ניתוח מערכות ייצור, תכן קווי ייצור והרכבה, תכן מפעלים, שיבוץ ותזמון, אופטימיזציה קומבינטורית, ניתוח מדדים תפעוליים ועסקיים בארגונים.
- Rubinovitz*, J. and Bukchin, J., 1993, “RALB - A Heuristic Algorithm for Design and Balancing of Robotic Assembly Lines”, CIRP Annals, vol. 42/1/1993, 497-500.
- Bukchin, J., Dar-El*, E.M. and Rubinovitz*, J., 1997, “Team Oriented Assembly System Design: A New Approach”, International Journal of Production Economics, 51(1,2), 47-57.
- Bukchin, J., 1998, “A Comprehensive Study of Performance Measures for Throughput of Mixed Model Assembly Line in a JIT Environment”, International Journal of Production Research, 36, 10, 2669 - 2685.
- Bukchin, J. and Tzur, M., 2000, “Design of Flexible Assembly Line to Minimize Equipment Cost”, IIE Transactions, 32, 7, 585-598.
- Arzi, Y., Bukchin, J. and Masin M., 2001 “An Efficiency Frontier Approach for the Design of Cellular Manufacturing Systems in a Lumpy Demand Environment”, European Journal of Operational Research, 134(2), 346-364.
- Bukchin, J, Luquer, R., and Shtub, A., 2002, “Learning in Tele-Operations”, IIE Transactions, 34(3), 245-252.
- Ben-Gal, I. and Bukchin J., 2002, “The Ergonomic Design of Workstations Using Virtual Manufacturing and Response Surface Methodology”, IIE Transactions, 34(4), 375-391.
- Bukchin, J., Dar-El*, E.M. and Rubinovitz*, J., 2002, “Mixed Model Assembly Line Design in a Make-to-Order Environment”, Computers and Industrial Engineering, 41(4), 405-421.
- Bukchin, J., Tzur, M., and Jaffe, M., 2002, “Lot Splitting to Minimize Average Flow-Time in a Two-Machine Flow-shop”, IIE Transactions, 34(11), 953-970.
- Bukchin, J. and Rubinovitz*, J., 2003, “A Weighted Approach for Assembly Line Design with Station Paralleling and Equipment Selection”, IIE Transactions, 35(1), 73-85.
- Bukchin, J. and Masin, M., 2004, “Multi-Objective Lot-Splitting for a Single Product m-Machine Flowshop Line”, IIE Transactions, 36(2), 191-202.
- Bukchin, J. and Masin, M., 2004, “Multi-Objective Design of Team Oriented Assembly Systems”, European Journal of Operational Research, 156(2), 326-352.
- Bukchin, J. and Sarin, S.C., 2004, “A Cyclic Policy for the Loading of Multiple Products on a Vehicle with Different Compartment Sizes”, IIE Transactions, 36(7), 641-653.
- Bukchin, Y. and Meller, R.D., 2005, “A space allocation algorithm for assembly line Components”, IIE Transactions, 37(1), 51-61.
- Bukchin, J., Meller, R.D., Liu, Q., 2006, “Assembly System Facility Design”, IIE Transactions, 38(1), 53-65.
- Bukchin, J. and Rabinowitch I., 2006, “A Branch and Bound Based Solution Approach for Mixed-Model Line Balancing Problem for Minimizing Station and Task duplication Costs’, European Journal of Operational Research, 174(1), 492-508.
- Anuar, R. and Bukchin, Y., 2006, “Design and Operation of Dynamic Assembly Lines Using Work-Sharing”, International Journal of Production Research, 44(18 –19), 4043 –4065.
- Bukchin, J. and Sarin, S.C., 2006, “Discrete and Dynamic versus Continuous and Static Loading Policy for a Multi-Compartment Vehicle”, European Journal of Operational Research, 174(2), 1329-1337.
- Bukchin, Y. and Hanany, E., 2007, “Decentralization Cost in Scheduling – A Game Theoretic Approach”, Manufacturing and Service Operations Management (M&SOM), 9(3), 263-275.
- Goldstain, O., Bukchin, Y. and Ben-Gal, I., 2007, “Remote Learning for the Manipulation and Control of Robotic Cells”. The European Journal of Engineering Education, Vol. 32 (4), 481-494.
- Masin, M. and Bukchin, J., 2008, “Diversity Maximization Approach for Multi-Objective Combinatorial Optimization”. Operations Research, Vol. 56, No. 2, March-April 2008, pp. 411-424.
- Ben-Gal, I., Katz, R., and Bukchin, Y., 2008, “Robust Eco-Design: A New Application for Quality Engineering”. IIE Transactions, Vol. 40(10), 907-918.
- Kahan, T., Bukchin, Y., Menassa, R. and Ben-Gal, I., 2009, “Backup Strategy for Robots' Failures in an Automotive Assembly System”. International Journal of Production Economics, Vol. 120(2), 315-326.
- Bukchin, Y., Masin, M. and Kirshner, R., 2010, “Modeling and Analysis of Multi-Objective Lot Splitting for N-Product M-machine Flowshop Lines”. Naval Research Logistics, Vol. 57(4), 354-366
- Bukchin, Y. and Sofer, T., 2011, “Bi–Directional Work-Sharing in Assembly Lines with Strict and Flexible Assembly Sequences”, International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 49(14), 4377-4395.
- Bukchin, Y. and Rozenes, 2011, S., “A multi-objective approach for decision making during the project life cycle”, International Journal of Project Organisation and Management, Vol 3(2), 184-203.
- Goldstain, O., Ben-Gal, I. and Bukchin, Y., 2011, “Evaluation of Tele-Robotic Interface Components for Teaching Robot Operation”, IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, Vol 4(4), 365-376.
- Bukchin, Y., Khmelnitsky, E. and Yakuel, P., 2012, “Optimizing a Dynamic Order Picking Process”, European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 219(2), 335-346.
- Bukchin,Y and Cohen, Y., 2013, “Minimizing throughput loss in assembly lines due to absenteeism and turnover via work-sharing”. International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 51(20), 6140-6151.
- Anuar, R., Bukchin, Y., Maimon, O. and Rokach, L., 2014, “Neighborhood Evaluation in Recommender Systems using the Realization based Entropy Approach”, International Journal of Business Analytics (IJBAN), 1(4), 34-50.
- Bukchin, Y. and Tzur, M., 2014, “A New MILP Approach for the Facility Layout Design Problem with Rectangular and L/T Shape Departments”, International Journal of Production Research, 52 (24), 7339-7359.
- Bukchin, Y., Wexler, E., 2016, “The Effect of Buffers and Work-Sharing on Makespan Improvement of Small Batches in Assembly Lines under Learning Effects”, IIE Transactions, 48(5), 403-414.
- Bukchin, Y. and Raviv T., 2018, “Constraint Programming for Solving Various Assembly Line Balancing Problems”, Omega: The International Journal of Management Science, 78, 57-68.
- Bukchin, Y., Hanany, E. and Khmelnitsky, E., 2018, “Bucket Brigade with Stochastic Worker Pace”, IISE Transactions, 50(12), 1027-1042.
- Bukchin, Y., Raviv, T., Zaides, I., 2020, “The Consecutive Multiprocessor Job Scheduling”, European Journal of Operational Research, 284(2), 427-438.
- Bukchin, Y., Hanany, E., 2020, “Decentralization Cost in Two-Machine Job-shop Scheduling with Minimum Flow-time Objective”. IISE Transactions, 52(12), 1386-1402.
- Altekin, T., and Bukchin, Y., 2022, “A Multi-objective Optimization Approach for Exploring the Cost and Makespan Trade-off in Additive Manufacturing”, European Journal of Operational Research, 301, 235-253.
- Bukchin, Y., Hanany, E. and Gerchak, Y., 2022, “Coordination of the Decentralized Concurrent Open-Shop”, IISE Transactions, 54:12,1172-1185.
- Bukchin, Y. and Raviv T., 2022, “A comprehensive toolbox for load retrieval in Puzzle-based Storage Systems with Simultaneous Movements”, Transportation Research Part B, 166, 348-373.
- Raviv T., Bukchin, Y. and Rene de-Koster, 2023, “Optimal Retrieval in Puzzle-based Storage Systems using Automated Mobile Robots”, Transportation Science, 57(2), 424-443.
- Bukchin, Y., Hanany, E. and Khmelnitsky, E., 2024, “Sequencing of Heterogeneous Items in a Bucket Brigade System”, IISE Transactions, pp. 1-17.