בעיות תחבורה בזמן אמת, למידת מכונה משולבת אופטימיזציה, לוגיסטיקה הומניטרית, מערכות שיתוף כלי רכב, ניהול שרשראות אספקה, תיכון ותפעול מערכות, אופטימיזציה
פרופ' מיכל צור

תחומי מחקר
קורות חיים
פרופ' מיכל צור היא חברת סגל במחלקה להנדסת תעשייה באוניברסיטת ת"א, בה כיהנה כראש המחלקה בשנים 2004-2006 וכן 2019-2021. היא בוגרת אוניברסיטת ת"א בכלכלה וסטטיסטיקה, ובעלת תואר דוקטור מביה"ס למנהל עסקים באוניברסיטת קולומביה בניו-יורק. היא היתה חברת סגל באוניברסיטת פנסילבניה בביה"ס למנהל עסקים (Wharton) וחברת סגל אורחת במחלקה להנדסת תעשייה וחקר ביצועים באוניברסיטת Northwestern. בשנים 2015-2017 כיהנה כנשיאת האגודה הישראלית לחקר ביצועים (איל"ב).
- Federgruen, A. and M. Tzur, "A Simple Forward Algorithm to Solve General Dynamic Lot-Sizing Models with n Periods in O(n log n) or O(n) Time" Management Science 37 (1991), 909-925.
- Federgruen, A. and M. Tzur, "The Dynamic Lot-Sizing Model with Backlogging: A Simple O(n log n) Algorithm and Minimal Forecast Horizon Procedure" Naval Research Logistics 40 (1993), 459-478.
- Federgruen, A. and M. Tzur, "Minimal Forecast Horizons and a New Planning Procedure for the General Dynamic Lot-Sizing Model: Nervousness Revisited" Operations Research, 42 (1994), 456-468.
- Federgruen, A. and M. Tzur, "The Joint Replenishment Problem with Time Varying Costs and Demands: Efficient, Asymptotic and epsilon-optimal Solutions" Operations Research, 42 (1994), 1067-1086.
- Federgruen, A. and M. Tzur, "Fast Solution and Detection of Minimal Forecast Horizons in Dynamic Programs with a Single Indicator of the Future: Applications to Dynamic Lot-Sizing Models" Management Science, 41 (1995), 874-893.
- Federgruen, A. and M. Tzur, "Detection of Minimal Forecast Horizons in Dynamic Programs with Multiple Indicators of the Future" Naval Research Logistics 43 (1996), 169-189.
- Tzur M., "Learning in Setups: Analysis, Minimal Forecast Horizons and Algorithms" Management Science, (1996), 1732-1743.
- Matzliach, B. and M. Tzur, "The On-Line Tool Switching Problem With Non-Uniform Tool-Size", International Journal of Production Research 36(12) (1998), 3407-3420. (pdf file)
- Federgruen, A. and M. Tzur, "Time-Partitioning Heuristics: Application to One Warehouse, Multi-item, Multi-Retailer Lot-Sizing Problems", Naval Research Logistics 46 (1999), 463-486. (pdf file)
- Matzliach, B. and M. Tzur, "Storage Management of Items in Two Levels of Availability", European Journal of Operational Research 121 (2000), 363-379. (pdf file)
- Bukchin, J. and M. Tzur, "Design of Flexible Assembly Line to Minimize Equipment Cost", IIE Transactions (2000), 32(7) (2000), 585-598.(pdf file)
- Herer, Y.T. and M. Tzur, "The Dynamic Transshipment Problem", Naval Research Logistics, 48 (2001), 386-408. (pdf file)
- Chen, B., R. Hassin and M. Tzur, "Allocation of Bandwidth and Storage". IIE Transactions, 34(5) (2002), 501-507. (pdf file)
- Bukchin, J., M. Tzur and M. Jaffe, "Lot Splitting to Minimize Average Flow Time in a Two-Machine Flowshop". IIE Transactions, 34(11) (2002), 953-970. (pdf file)
- Herer, Y.T., M. Tzur and E. Yücesan, "Transshipments: an Emerging Inventory Recourse to Achieve Supply Chain Leagility". International Journal of Production Economics, 80(3) (2002), 201-212. (pdf file)
- Herer, Y.T. and M. Tzur, "Optimal and Heuristic Algorithms for the Multi-Location Dynamic Transshipment Problem with Fixed Transshipment Costs". IIE Transactions, 35(5) (2003), 419-432. (pdf file)
- Tzur, M and A. Altman, "Minimization of Tool Switches for a Flexible Manufacturing Machine with Slot Assignment of Different Tool Sizes". IIE Transactions, 36(2) (2004), 95-110. (pdf file)
- Khmelnitsky, E. and M.Tzur, "Parallelism of Continuous and Discrete-Time Production Planning Problems". IIE Transactions, 36(7) (2004), 611-628. (pdf file)
- Anily, S. and M. Tzur, "Shipping Multiple-Items by Capacitated Vehicles - An Optimal Dynamic Programming Approach". Transportation Science, 39(2) (2005), 233-248. (pdf file)
- Herer, Y.T., M. Tzur and E. Yücesan, "The Multi-Location Transshipment Problem". IIE Transactions, 38(3) (2006), 185-200. (pdf file)
- Francis, P., K. Smilowitz and M. Tzur, "The Period Vehicle Routing Problem with Service Choice ". Transportation Science, 40(4) (2006), 439-454. (pdf file)
- Anily, S. and M. Tzur, "Algorithms for the Multi-Item Capacitated Dynamic Lot-Sizing Problem ". Naval Research Logistics, 53(2) (2006), 157-169. (pdf file)
- Francis, P., Smilowitz, K. and M. Tzur, “Flexibility and Complexity in Periodic Distribution Problems”. Naval Research Logistics, 54(2) (2007), 136-150. (pdf file)
- Federgruen, A., J. Meissner and M. Tzur, "Progressive Interval Heuristics for Multi-Item Capacitated Lot-Sizing Problems". Operations Research, 55(3) (2007), 490-502. (pdf file)
- Anily, S., M. Tzur and L. Wolsey, “Multi-Item Lot-Sizing with Joint Set-Up Costs”. Mathematical Programming, 119(1) (2009), 79-94. (pdf file)
- Hanany E., M. Tzur and A. Levran, “The Transshipment Fund Mechanism: Coordinating the Decentralized Multi-Location Inventory Model”. Naval Research Logistics. 57 (2010). 342-353. (pdf file)
- Lien, R., Iravani, S., Smilowitz, K. and M. Tzur, “An Efficient and Robust Design for Transshipment Networks”. Production and Operations Management, 20(5) (2011), 699-713. (pdf file)
- Tzur, M. and E. Drezner, “A Lookahead Partitioning Heuristic for a New Assignment and Scheduling Problem in a Distribution System”. European Journal of Operational Research, 215 (2011), 325-336. (pdf file)
- Raviv, T., M. Tzur and I. Forma, “Static Repositioning in Bike-Sharing System: Models and Solution Approaches". EURO Journal on Transportation and Logistics, 2 (2013), 187-229. (pdf file)
- Kaspi, M., T. Raviv and M. Tzur, "Parking Reservation Policies in One-Way Vehicle Sharing Systems". Transportation Research B (methodological), 62 (2014), 35-50. (pdf file)
- Bukchin, Y. and M. Tzur, "A New MILP Approach for the Facility Process-Layout Design Problem with Rectangular and L/T Shape Departments". International Journal of Production Research,52(24) (2014), 7339–7359 . (pdf file)
- Noham, R. and M. Tzur, "The Single and Multi-Item Transshipment Problem with Fixed Transshipment Costs". Naval Research Logistics, 61 (2014), 637–664 (pdf file)
- Forma, I., Raviv, T. and M. Tzur “. A 3-Step Math Heuristic for the Static Repositioning Problem in Bike-Sharing Systems”. Transportation Research Part B,(methodological), 71 (2015), 230-247 . (pdf file)
- Kaspi, M., T. Raviv and M. Tzur, H. Galili “Regulating Vehicle Sharing Systems through Parking Reservation Policies: Analysis and performance bounds”. European Journal of Operational Research, 251 (2016) 969–987.(pdf file)
- M. Kaspi, T. Raviv, and M. Tzur, “Detection of Unusable Bicycles in Bike-Sharing Systems”, Omega, 65 (2016) 10–16 (pdf file)
- Kaspi, M., T. Raviv and M. Tzur, “Bike Sharing Systems: User Dissatisfaction in the Presence of Unusable Bicycles”. IISE Transactions, 49(2) (2017), 144-158. (Link)
- Noham, R. and M. Tzur, “Designing Humanitarian Supply Chains by Incorporating Actual Post-Disaster Decisions” European Journal of Operational Research, 265 (2018), 1064-1077. (Best Paper Award) (Link)
- Sarid, A. and M. Tzur, “The Multi-Scale Generation and Transmission Expansion Model”. Energy, 148 (2018), 977-991. (link)
- Datner, S., T. Raviv, M. Tzur and D. Chemla, "Setting Inventory Levels in a Bike Sharing Network". Transportation Science, 53(1) (2019), 62-76. (link)
- Eisenhändler, O. and M. Tzur, "The Humanitarian Pickup and Distribution Problem". Operations Research, 67(1) (2019), 10-32. (link) Online Appendix.
- Eisenhändler, O. and M. Tzur, “A Segment-Based Formulation and a Matheuristic for the Humanitarian Pickup and Distribution Problem”. Transportation Science, 53(5) (2019), 1389-1408. (link)
- Noham, R. and M. Tzur, “Design and Incentive Decisions in Humanitarian Supply Chains”. IISE Transactions, 52(12) (2020), 1297-1311. (link)
- Noham, R., M. Tzur and D. Yamin, “An Indirect Prioritization Approach to Optimizing Sample Referral Networks for HIV Early Infant Diagnosis”. IISE Transactions, 54(4) (2022), 405-420. (link)
- Eisenhändler, O. and M. Tzur, “Multi-Period Collection and Distribution Problems and Their Application to Humanitarian Gleaning Operations”. IISE Transactions, 54(8) (2022), 785-802. (link)
- Sarid, A.S., P.W. Glynn and M. Tzur, "Power Distribution in Developing Countries - Planning for Effectiveness and Equity" Omega 123 (2024) 102976. (link)
- Neria, G. and M. Tzur "The Dynamic Pickup and Allocation with Fairness Problem". Transportation Science, 58(4) (2024), 821-840. (link) .
- Ben-Gal, S, and M. Tzur. “Data-Driven Policies for the Online Ride-Hailing Problem with Fairness”. Submitted.
- Neria, G., Hildebrandt, F., Tzur, M., and Ulmer, M. (2025). “The Restaurant Meal Delivery Problem with Ghost Kitchens”. Transportation Science, forthcoming.
- Mor Kaspi Jointly with Dr. Tal Raviv. Graduated 2016
- Iris Forma Jointly with Dr. Tal Raviv. Graduated 2016
- Reut Noham Graduated 2019
- Ohad Eisenhandler Graduated 2020
- Adi Sarid Graduated 2020
- Gal Neria Expected 2025
- Gabriel Deza - Ongoing. Jointly with Dr. Tal Raviv
Selected Recent Projects
Selected recent projects
,Reut Noham, Michal Tzur and Dan Yamin An indirect prioritization approach to optimizing sample referral networks for HIV early infant diagnosis
IISE TRANSACTIONS 2022, VOL. 54, NO. 4, 405–420
Early diagnosis and treatment of newborns with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) can substantially
reduce mortality rates. Polymerase chain reduction technology is desirable for diagnosing
HIV-exposed infants and for monitoring the disease progression in older patients. In low- and middle-
income countries (LMICs), processing both types of tests requires the use of scarce resources.
In this article, we present a supply chain network model for referring/assigning HIV test samples
from clinics to labs. These assignments aim to minimize the expected infant mortality from AIDS
due to delays in the return of test results. Using queuing theory, we present an analytical framework
to evaluate the distribution of the sample waiting times at the testing labs and incorporate
it into a mathematical model. The suggested framework takes into consideration the non-stationarity
in the availability of reagents and technical staff. Hence, our model provides a method to
find an assignment strategy that involves an indirect prioritization of samples that are more likely
than others to be positive. We also develop a heuristic to simplify the implementation of an
assignment strategy and provide general managerial insights for operating sample referral networks
in LMICs with limited resources. Using a case study from Tanzania, we show that the potential
improvement is substantial, especially when some labs are utilized almost to their full capacity.
Our results apply to other settings in which expensive equipment with volatile availability is used
.to perform crucial operations, for example, the recent COVID-19 pandemic.